Many people have a sleeping disorder of some kind. In fact, 50 to 70 million adults in the United States were reported to have one. This is a problem because sleep is vital for your overall health. 

When you’re asleep, your body can heal and rest for the next day. It dramatically reduces stress, manages your weight, strengthens your immune system, promotes productivity, and helps you have a healthy and robust heart. 

If you’re one of those who suffers from a sleeping disorder, don’t worry. There are proven ways to help you get a better night’s sleep, and we’ll tell you how.

Invest in a Good Quality Mattress 

When you have a comfortable mattress that is correct for you, you’ll get better sleep at night. Beds come in different styles and levels of firmness. We all have our personal preferences. Some of us like a hard mattress that gives us support, while others like to feel like they’re floating on a cloud. 

Memory foam mattresses are an excellent way to go regardless of your preference because there are many different types. They’re perfect for those who experience pain in their shoulders, back, neck, or hips. Read only reliable sources about the best Mattress Brands and how they affect your overall health, to understand more about the benefits of memory foam mattresses or other mattress types. 

Limit Screen Time 

The blue light from devices doesn’t help you when trying to fall asleep. This is because light exposure makes your brain think it’s day time. Your body won’t produce melatonin, which is the hormone responsible for making you feel tired.

You need to refrain from looking at your devices at least one hour before you want to fall asleep. Instead, you could read a book, meditate, or listen to calming music.

Don’t Drink Caffeine too Late 

A cup of coffee or tea is excellent in the mornings because it helps you give you energy and enhances your focus. This is great for the beginning of the day, but if you drink caffeine too late in the day, it can cause sleeping problems. 

Caffeine stays in our system for about 6 to 8 hours. If you’re drinking a coffee at 4 pm or later, you won’t be able to fall asleep at a reasonable hour at night.

Don’t Nap 

While it’s tempting to take a nap after work or need a refresher, they disturb your sleeping schedule in the long run. Napping during the day can mess up your internal clock. Your brain is wired to be up during the day and asleep at night, so sticking to this will help with quality sleep. 

You’ll be more tired at night if you don’t take a nap and when you wake up from a long sleep, you’ll feel more refreshed.

Get Bright Light During the Day

To reassure your internal clock, you need to get enough bright natural light during the day. If you work in an office, try to get a desk by a window. When that isn’t possible, you should take a walk outside on your lunch breaks. 

The natural sunlight will make you more alert and awake during the day. If getting natural light isn’t possible, you need to invest in a lightbox. You’ll get better sleep with an increase of bright light exposure during the day.

Limit Alcohol Use 

Alcohol is a depressant and can make falling asleep easier, but the quality of sleep you get is greatly affected. It doesn’t allow our bodies to go into REM sleep. It’s part of the sleep cycle that is the deepest sleep. 

REM sleep helps us remain focused during the day as it acts on deep memories in our brain. It helps us heal and promotes central nervous system development. This type of sleep also regulates our weight and reduces migraines. Save alcohol only for special occasions or days you know you can rest more. 

Have a Sleep Schedule 

A nightly routine is essential for getting better sleep at night. Have a schedule that happens at the same time every day and stick to it. Your routine can consist of taking a shower, washing your face, brushing your teeth, having a cup of non-caffeinated tea, reading a book in bed, or meditation. 

When you do these habitually at the same time, your body will start to understand that these are cues to getting ready for sleep. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends, will make this schedule more even. 

Take Melatonin 

As mentioned above, melatonin is the hormone responsible for us to become tired. When you suffer from a sleeping disorder, many times, your brain doesn’t produce this properly. Taking an oral supplement will make you feel tired and can help you get to sleep.


Meditation promotes relaxation and gives you a clear mind before you get to bed. Your breath will become slower, your heart rate will slow down, and you’ll feel tranquil. All of these things will assist in getting a better night’s sleep. 

Take Medication

When these holistic approaches aren’t working for you, you might need to talk with your doctor. They can prescribe sleeping medication that will ensure you get to sleep and stay asleep. This can be a great option if nothing else is working for you. Try to avoid becoming dependent, though.

The Bottom Line

Getting quality sleep is essential for being an overall healthy person. When we’re sleep-deprived, it’s hard to perform at our best and stay alert during the day. Use our tips to help you get a better night’s sleep, and you’ll see for yourself that within weeks, you’ll wake up more refreshed than ever.

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