10 tips for landscaping your backyard

Plant, and you will reap. 

As a beginner, you might not know the plants and their season, proper gardening practices, and the right amount of water and fertilizers. It may seem a lot of work for just growing a landscape garden. 

But Landscaping is more than a beautified green yard space. It is your garden, carved out from planting, replanting, growing flowers and fruits; it is your yard space of comfort and happiness. Your plants will welcome you every morning with dewy leaves and fresh flowers of every color that you like. You may spend hours looking after the delicate beauties of your backyard, watering, trimming leaves and branches. 

Veracious Rey at the English-language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

As a beginner, you might take time to synchronize your pace with the plants and their growth. But as you spend more time with your hands in the mud, you will love the experience and enjoy gardening in your backyard. 

Here are tips for building a landscape that will become your comfort zone:

  1. Observe your space: The beauty of your landscape will depend on several factors like the region you live in, location, and space available to you. While the region’s climate will influence the type of plants and trees you will grow in your yard, the plants’ health and the growth rate will depend on the microclimate created in your yard. 
Imagine de Vladan Rajkovic de la Pixabay
  1. Keeping it simple: think about the purpose of the yard; will it host parties? Will it be for kids to play? Will it be hosting lunch and dinner parties? Here, you develop the theme of your landscape. It will influence the plants and structure of your garden; you must customize it according to its purpose. 
    1. Kids’ gardens will not include pots and plants that might harm them.
    2. A Garden party requires clear space and trees that provide shade and cool. It must be near the house door for easy access. 
    3. Lunch party calls for a table to set down the dishes and comfortable chairs for seating of at least half a dozen people. 
    4. You may keep it flexible by adding neutral props and multipurpose yard furniture and plants that set a green, calm vibe. 
  1. Choose the right plants:
Photo by Pijarn Jangsawang form PxHere

Your lawn is part of the landscape, but it does not complete the yard itself. You must include plants and trees that set the landscape right. If you are a beginner: start small, do not plant hastily. Take your time to build your gardening skills and eventually develop your garden. 

  1. Garden props and paraphernalia
Chethiyanidushan, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

You might want to store the garden equipment, fertilizers, watering can in the garden itself but want it to be concealed. Invest in a small outdoor cupboard with a woody texture to fit the landscape and hold all your garden equipment. Or you can reuse empty crates or old furniture for the same. 

  1. Watering right: once your landscape is built, you must take good care of your yard. Your lawn requires tons of water twice a day if it’s summer. Stay close to the water connection to enable easy access to water the plants and trees. 
  1. Weeding the extra
Photo by icon0com form PxHere

The extra grass that grows around the plants/trees and absorbs the nutrition and water meant for the plants themselves restricts the growth and consumes space, crowding the trees and plants. Weeding helps free the soil and aerate it for oxygen and water exchange. Weeding ensures that your garden plants receive the nourishment meant for them. 

  1. Keep an eye on bugs: bugs are capable of infesting the yard and plants as fast as within a day. They multiply in population and travel from plant to plant, infesting the tree and damaging its structural integrity. It would help if you protected your yard with consistent pesticide spray and trimming away the infested branches and parts that are beyond recovery. 
  2. Fertilizers: fertilizers promote growth and supply extra nutrients that help plants grow, blossom and fruit. Organic fertilizers are made of kitchen waste containing vegetable leaves and waste; dead leaves decompose to improve soil composition. 
  1. Trimming and pruning
Imagine de Rudy and Peter Skitterians de la Pixabay

Dead branches, infested parts, or dead ends can restrict tree and shrub growth. Trimming and pruning refer to getting rid of these parts to promote healthy plant growth and strengthen its steam. 

  1. Be patient: give your plants time and supply them with energy and food to grow without restriction. Wait for the plants to adjust to the microenvironment and grow without borders. You can expand your space over time and include more trees and plants till you run out of yard space. 


Landscaping is not an overnight job; you require planning and implementing the same that may take time and effort. Your yard will test your gardening hobby, and you will learn that plants require much more than water and sunlight. At the same time, you must enjoy the process and allow your yard time to bloom with flowers and green shoots that make your backyard come to life.

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