12 Italian Design Lighting Inspiration

Create atmosphere, divide spaces and highlight areas with these original and appealing italian design lighting collection from Axo Light company, one of the dynamic company in the rich and complex world of Italian design. This elegant and extensive collection is made up of elements that are suitable for any environment from private spaces like minimalist homes that need a strong decorative element to public areas like offices, hotels and restaurants where the objects that provide light become a distinctive feature of the space.

1. Bell Lamp
Designer: Manuel Vivian


2. Ari
Designer: Manuel Vivian

3. Ball up
Designer: Manuel Vivian

4. Fall in love
Designer: Manuel Vivian

5. Kaleidolight
Designer: Dodo Arslan

6. Koshi
Designer: Manuel Vivian


7. Polia
Designer: Manuel Vivian

8. Shiraz
Designer: Manuel Vivian

9. Slight
Designer: Manuel Vivian

10. Ukiyo
Designer: Manuel Vivian

11. Vasily
Designer: Manuel Vivian

12. Primula
Designer: Manuel Vivian

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