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4 Reasons to Hire Building Maintenance Services in Karratha

Building maintenance services are in higher demand than ever before in Karratha. This is quite surprising, considering there are only about 17,000 residents in the small city. Here’s why so many local property owners are turning to these services.

1.) They can protect your investment

Karratha is now one of the country’s real estate hotspots, with property prices rivalling even those in Sydney and Melbourne. It’s certainly now the most explosive real estate market in Western Australia, with properties in the small city posting higher prices compared to those in Perth.

Given that the price of real estate is so high now, it makes sense to maintain it as best you can so that you could preserve your property’s value. This is even more true for those properties that require specialised care. Thankfully, there are full-service businesses such as Profix Australia that offer a complete range of building maintenance services.

2.) Well-maintained buildings keep occupants safer and happier

Occupants of our properties — especially our family members —deserve to enjoy spaces that keep them safe, happy, and healthy. Properties that are not maintained regularly can quickly deteriorate and pose a hazard to those that use them. 

To start, you are more likely to become ill if you spend time in a building that isn’t well-maintained. Disease-carrying vermin, bacteria and viruses, as well as deadly fungal infestations are not uncommon inpoorly maintained properties.

Next, the very structure itself could also deteriorate with time if its basic upkeep needs are not met. For example, roof and ceiling collapses can and do cause injuries and death every year, with most cases caused by a prolonged lack of maintenance.

Lastly, most people are just happier to live in a clean, well-maintained structure — health and safety issues notwithstanding. No one wants to live in squalor, after all. By hiring a building maintenance service, you are doing your best to ensure the physical and mental well-being of everyone who uses your property — yourself included.

3.) They can maximize the value of your property

Full-service building maintenance services don’t just help maintain the present value of your property, they may also be able to help with renovations and additions that can add to its value. 

They may also be the correct choice to perform bathroom refurbs and cabinet installations for your home, things that can significantly raise the value of your property well above what you can expect to pay for these additions, especially considering today’s real estate market. 

They aren’t just the ones to turn to for residences either. These services may also be able to perform commercial fit-outs for a property, which can further maximize its money-making potential.

4.) They can perform maintenance services faster, better, and more cost-effectively than you can

It rarely makes sense for property owners to invest in a full-time specialised maintenance staff for their properties, especially in Karratha where property sizes and buildings are rather modest. It can also be quite impractical to invest in all the equipment and staffing necessary to do maintenance jobs at the level professional maintenance service can deliver.

On the other hand, professional building maintenance do invest in the training and technology to make quick, safe, and thorough maintenance of all types of properties possible. This wouldn’t normally be cost-effective if they were maintaining only one property. But since these companies serve multiple clients, they can have the necessary scale to make the investment in technology and specialised manpower worthwhile.


More than ever, it makes sense for property owners and managers in and around Karratha to hire building maintenance companies to perform regular maintenance and restorations. Given the state of the local real estate market as well as the baseline benefits of using such services, hiring these businesses is probably a good idea for most property owners in the area. 

Author: I’m  Jaylin: SEO Expert of Leelija Web Solutions. I am a content manager, and the author of and a full time blogger. Favorite things include my camera, travelling, caring my fitness, food and my fashion. Email id:

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