Usually, during the holidays, all of us are busy looking for gift ideas to give our family, friends, and loved ones. Because it can be hard to choose, there are many resources online that can provide a plethora of information about a specific item you are looking to buy. Before you buy a gift, take a few moments to check these reviews to ensure that you get the perfect gift. However, there is a better way to make the holiday memorable, creating holiday crafts for your family, which are easy to make and have a personalized message. Some of these crafts include:

1.Salt dough ornaments

Salt dough ornaments are some of the easiest crafts to create, and a bonus point is that they can be created even with the help of your children. Salt dough ornaments can be used to decorate the Christmas tree or the interior of the house. To create these salt dough ornaments, you only require a few household ornaments. You need flour, salt, cookie cutters or a knife and additional flavors like cinnamon. Bonus benefit about these ornaments is that they do not require to be baked. They can be used as they are, and the additional flavors give a nice scent to the house. You can also add some color to the dough to give it a pop of color.

2.Holiday mugs

Another suitable holiday craft idea is the creation of holiday mugs. These mugs are personalized to ooze holiday spirit. They can also be personalized for any family member, from the parents to the kids. These holiday mugs are relatively easy to create. All you need are a couple of plain colored mugs, usually white mugs and a permanent marker, and you are good to go.

3.Plastic cup snowman

A plastic cup snowman is another craft that is easy to create, and it can be used to replace the usual snowman, if there is no snow in your area, or if you want an indoor snowman. Plastic cup snowmen are easy to create as one only needs plastic cups and glue to create, and you can play around with the design, depending on your creativity. Most importantly though, you can find the use of all the used plastic cups lying around, instead of buying new cups or throwing them away. These snowmen can be created by the whole family which makes it an interesting project to run with your children.

4.Christmas snow globes

Instead of buying a snow globe, why not create your own. Snow globes are easy to create and all you need is a jar, plastic figurines, superglue, glue gun and glitter, and other decorations. You may also need a seal to prevent leakages if the jar does not come with one. You attach everything to the lid and then screw the jar on top to create the snow globe.

5.Stained glass trees

Stained glass trees would make great window décor over the holidays. All you need are pieces of colored tissue paper, glue and a sheet of white paper. You also need scissors to cut the designs. You make the trees by sticking the colored tissue paper on the sheet of paper, then you cut trees from the paper. You can then add design features to cut trees, like branches and leaves using a permanent marker.

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