As a designer, your design portfolio is one of the most important things that you must have in your inventory. Whether you are applying for a job or trying to close a deal, there is no better way to sell yourself than to share your best Works. To help you achieve this and make lasting positive impressions on your prospects, here are 7 steps, crafted by professional research helpers, you should never neglect to create the best portfolio.

Decide On Physical Or Digital
This is very important, and the kind of job you’re looking out for will determine which one to work with. If you are applying for a job online, then a digital portfolio would suffice. However, if you are into many face-to-face interactive sessions, a physical portfolio is just perfect to seal the deal.
Consider The Length Of Your Portfolio
In as much as you can showcase as many of your best works as possible, try to keep it short and, at the same time, portray varieties.

Customize The Job Application.
This is very important. It would be out of place to apply for a particular job, but share experience in a totally different thing. Before you approach your prospects for an interview, make sure you customize the examples you’ll share in your portfolio with the job that you are applying for.
Write About The Design
Few contents attached to your designs as a web designer tell a lot to your client about your professionalism and not just your ability to design web pages. This will prove to your clients that you understand the job role.

Bonus- Used Tools To Improve On Your Writing
Imperfect design content is capable of jeopardizing your chance of securing the role. If you are not a writer or at least good with words, drafting contents for your designs can become such an arduous task. Notwithstanding, this article will expose you to some tools that will help you to achieve a quality yet flawless content.

- This is an online blog where you get access to resources from experts to improve on your command of grammar.
- This site will help you monitor your word count so as not to be too long in your content.
- This site offers you tones of guides to writing a good portfolio.
- This is an online site that helps you edit and proofread your content to be sure it’s free from grammatical errors and spelling errors.
-, you’ll get access to detailed guides on several niches that will guide you to write your portfolio. You can as well make use of any template that best suits you.
- This is a tool that will help add a professional touch to your portfolio by adding citations and quotes.

Include A Professional Summary
Every profession is unique, so are the experts in that field. Aside from the designs of your job experience, you need at least a paragraph to say something about yourself and why you are a web designer.
Include Testimonials.
Have you ever make a purchase of something you didn’t actually plan to because a trusted person testified about it? That’s exactly the power of testimonials, and you must make sure you include it in your portfolio as proof of your expertise.
Index Your Portfolio.
This is as important as a GPRS in a car. It helps your clients to navigate through your portfolio. Considering that web design portfolios are typically large, including an index page makes it easy to skim and scan through.