We believe that swimming pool copers are an integral part of the construction process, as they are what you will spend most of your time looking at and sitting on. Unfortunately, most pool builders don’t place the same importance on the selection of copers and this leads to a number of mistakes being made. If you are interested in natural stone, you have come to the right place; we have compiled this checklist to help you choose the most appropriate copers.
- Swimming pool plan – When shopping for copers, it is important that you bring along your plans (either technical drawings or even a simple sketch) as a visual aid for making your selection.
- Internal lineal metre measurements – The correct measurements of your pool are required to ensure that you are ordering the correct number of copers for the project.
- Shape of the pool – Is it rectangular, square or freeform? The answer to this question will help to define the type of copers that you must use (or, at least, their required shape).
- Additions – Are there any add-ons that you will have to contend with, such as a step out or swim out? This sort of information is essential for choosing the right product.
- Pool beam width – Is it 180mm, 400mm or something else entirely? This measurement is also integral for ensuring that you have the right product and that the natural stone will fit.
- Type of pool – The type of structure that you are constructing (fiberglass, concrete or steel framed linear, for example) will also play a significant role in your choice of swimming pool copers.
- Integrated/separate spa – If you will have an integrated or separate spa as a part of the pool area, you will need to bring along the measurements; these areas will require copers, too.
- Type of chlorination – Will your pool be filled with chlorine or have you opted for the salt-water option? Some natural stones react differently to chemicals than others.
- Inspirational images – Take a moment to think about the kind of look you are trying to achieve for your swimming area. If possible, bring along some photographs that you really like.
- Material preferences – It is important to note that there are a lot of natural stones to choose from – sandstone, limestone, bluestone, quartz, granite, slate and travertine – do you have a preference?
- Additional paving requirements – Is there any other area that you would liked paved at the same time? Ensure that you know the intended use and measurements of the area.
By ensuring that you follow all of the points in the above checklist, you can rest assured that you have chosen the most appropriate swimming pool copers for the job at hand. We are sure that a natural stone supplier will ask questions surrounding each of the above points, so it is essential that you provide them with the correct information. If you’re still having trouble choosing copers, we recommend going with your gut instinct.