Fashion image is everything. The customer has become sophisticated and expect to receive inspiration, to be told stories, to be conquered. The message that the brand must send must be in harmony with the proposed collections on the market, design shops, windows, lighting, music and general atmosphere of the local place. How far we are a civilized retail? It depends how you look at the problem: an optimist would say “good luck with shopping malls”, a pessimist would like something moving on the street. But the “civilized” to “inspirational” is a long way. Optimists and pessimists here are forced to admit that we are far from the truth. An unusual design store it away and you can bring consumers closer.

Attention for detail and creativity can transform commercial space into a success or a failure. The examples below show that stores can move forward to make retail an art.

A good example is the shoes Giallo store that we present below, which is part of one of the six new concepts of the brand. This store has a fabulous design, unique, a very bold yellow color, bright that represent the result of brand design created by Luigi Roselloi architects, and that received in 2004 an award for this work – IDAA Interior Design Awards and has succeded this performance by putting into practice this stunning ideas.  Store building was performed by using talented young people full of dynamism and a burning desire to achieve an art class and professionalism, for architecture interior design of this store. Tilted walls, and doors displayed have been intentionally used as dynamic elements. are, the main window has a “sushi train” with rotating conveyor belt so that shoes arranged on shelves to be at eye level for those who wish to buy/or watch the shoes collections. Materials for the interior design retailer shoe store Giallo are baked enamel aluminum, vinyl and acrylic Swedish, merged and processed to restore the appearance of a contemporary design.

Technical data:
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Design & Project Architect: Luigi Rosselli
Joiner & Builder: Mark Emery
Photo: Blain Crellin

Source: luigirossell


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