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Avoid being unlucky when purchasing a new home!

Owning a home is prestigious! But owning a good home is luck. Of course, like all the other things in life, luck doesn’t come banging on our doors naturally. We have to be a little smart, put in some of our efforts and a wise decision to make luck bless our life. Even when buying a house is concerned, you aren’t going to get your hands on the best one simply by relying on luck; some important measures are to be taken to get the best deal and stay hassle-free too. 

It’s not always that you’re super impressed by a place and want to own it instantly. But if something like this does happen, and you’re pretty serious of acquiring the place, it’s better to connect with home inspectors at New Hampshire from Alpha building Inspections, who help you out by checking all the factors that are necessary to be observed before buying any place. They give you a thorough report of the house you intend to buy and then accordingly you should make your decision about getting the place (or not!). 

It’s always normal to get carried away by your instincts and getting a place without inquiring about it. But do you know this impulsive act can land you in serious unlucky situations?! If you are serious about a place, get the place surveyed by the best inspectors having all the needful home inspection tools for a detailed report before signing those dotted lines. If you forego this step, then you are perhaps inviting the following unfortunate situations: 

o   Issues with legalisation— In case you haven’t done your homework properly, and the place you bought (or planning to buy) comes with some legal hiccups, you are going to buy a headache along with the house. You’ll have to visit the courts and those legal offices for the issues every now and then, which can be very time consuming (not to mention financial drainage). And if there is monetary penalisation against that case, then it’s going to be an additional burden. Also, if there are some important aspects which are missed at the time of signing the property documents, then you’re going to land in serious trouble later on.

o   Strange locality — We are social animals — we just can’t dwell in isolation. That’s why even our homes can’t be situated at an isolated place. There should ideally be people around and preferably be a locality where you would feel comfortable in mingling. And no matter how reticent you are, your vicinity counts! From getting a good social circle for your kid to grow, to later getting good rates when selling, a good surrounding is an important criterion to be checked while buying a new house. But if you just jumped into getting a place without much knowledge about the same, you know you’re in a mess already! The unsafe or unhygienic locality can be nothing short of a hassle for you henceforth. You may be having a heavenly home, but with a troublesome neighbourhood area, you just can’t stay out of trouble! 

o   Faulty backbone —Certain things form the backbone of a property – structure, foundation, electrical circuits, sewerage system etc. If you haven’t surveyed the place well, and got your hands on a house that has serious water leakage issues, you are in a terrible situation already. No matter how many times you paint and apply wallpaper on the walls to beautify it, you are going to have them get destroyed because of this factor. Also, faulty electrical wiring can portray a serious danger too. You just won’t be able to breathe a sigh of relief until that area is properly repaired (which can be quite taxing on your pockets). A house inspection makes you aware of all such fundamental issues — moulds, chemical fumes, radon emission and much more.

o   Drainage problems — From a running sink to overflowing washrooms, this can be the unluckiest episode of your life, especially in a newly bought place. And unhygienic too! Sewerage and sanitation cannot be taken lightly at any cost! 

These are some of the main pitfalls that need to be taken care of. And trust us, there can be more serious issues too. Those which would demand a lot of time and money from you, and also can create a lot of in your life. Better be an informed buyer, buy a property that is worth your investment, and breathe peacefully in your new home!

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