Generally, it seems that appartments are in great demand, and architects through their imagination succeedto bring in the front page the most beautiful arhitecturals designin. Each of us consider that it is necessary to have a decent olay to live, and if we haver reasonable budgets then we will be able to buy the more valuable and modern goods developed by the biggest arhitects and designers.
Comfort is very important when it comes of houses or apartments you live every day. Therefore they developed for aoers homes interior designers many lines of products that most people have access to all objects of decoration. But I must say that as the interior design developed an become very important so the architectural design becouse the way a building is designed, original, futuristic style counts as much for those who wish to acquire such property goods.

Therefore below I will present the work of an architect who managed to make a building apartments in a very spectacular way.The architect Luigi Rosselli created Benelong Crescent apartments whose architectural design was inspired by work of  architect Erich Mendelsohn, namely Einstein Tower in Potsdam located, Germany, work completed in 1920. The waterfalls down apartment is lokated down hill. The construction with  irregular shaped balconies  are  boundaring this nice site/hill. This architecture is amazing, it take your breath away. It must said that this architecture design si an unique  an contemporany, futuristic art design. The shape of these  wonderful architecture design  is sinuous, and gives you the impresion of a big white stairs.

The appartmens have big and large windous creating a nice and worme wellcoming athmosfere. The space for living have ample fenestrations that opens to an large terraces, with a nice view . In the front of the basic terrace there is a streat with nice treas that is offering the perfect wolk and relaxation

This architecture gives no impression of an apartment building, but rather give an appearance of a luxury hotel in a resort .

Location: Bellevue Hill, NSW
Design Architect: Luigi Rosselli
Project Architect: Simon Stead, Simon Hassall, Edward Birch
Developer: Benelong Developments Pty Ltd
Structural Consultant: Geoff Ninnes Fong & Partners
Photography: Justin Alexander

Source:  luigirosselli.




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