Consulting Denver Personal Injury Lawyers: Know the Different Types of Compensations

If you live in Denver, personal injury lawyers can help you get your deserved compensation for all the injuries and losses you incurred after an accident. You need to have an idea of how much and what type of compensation you’ll be getting.

Some may not be aware but you can get compensation from the person, company or organization that contributed to your losses. If you have been hurt physically or emotionally, had property damaged, or loss, you deserve the right compensation for all of these.

Two Types of Damages:

Compensatory damages pay the injured party for their injuries including all kinds of damages, such as medical malpractice, auto accident, and many more. It is also given in rare wrongful death cases.

Its purpose is to help the person recover to the position they were before the accident. It can be awarded for the pain and suffering of the person.

For instance, if you can’t work because of the accident, your salary must be reimbursed. If your car was hit by another party, it must be repaired.

Different compensatory damages in a personal injury attorneys Denver case:

Punitive damages are different from compensatory that it doesn’t pay for the losses due to the accident. Its goal is to punish the defendant (at-fault) for their reprehensible or despicable behavior.

This type of damage is paid to the plaintiff (injured party). In some states, punitive damages have a cap or limits for personal injury cases.

Other Types of Damages:

It is awarded to the surviving family and loved ones. It can include the cost of pre-death medical care, funeral and burial expenses, loss of financial contribution, loss of companionship and consortium, the emotional distress of the surviving family, and loss of services and support.

It compensates the injured person for the non-monetary damages incurred. Some of the general damages include pain and suffering, loss of consortium or companionship, and mental distress. 

It compensates for the monetary damages due to the accident. This is compensated to make the plaintiff feel whole again after not being able to work due to the injuries. 

It has no limits, so the plaintiff can receive any amount. It covers special damages, such as medical bills, loss of earnings, loss of future earnings, household expenses, cost of future medical care, and costs linked to canceled plans or trips.

There are instances that the amount of damages can decrease due to the injured individual’s inaction or contribution to the accident.  

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