These two mirrored dwellings located in a suburb of Sydney, Australia, strikes with their contemporary modern architecture displayed both outside and inside. Designed by the award winning practice based in Sydney Australia, Chenchow Little, who has developed a reputation for the quality of design and detailing through their residential work, the attached Bell Romero Houses are constructed according the site that slopes steeply away from the street frontage and although similar in their overall appearance, they distinguish by their levels which are offset in order to respond to this important characteristic of the site.

To reflect the predominant roof type of the locality, the Bell Romero Houses’ roofs were designed as a series of gables. The ceiling of the top floor living spaces follows the pitch of the roof above, appearing as a series of undulating pitched planes and skylight shafts between the two sidewalls. The facades of the dwellings features solid and translucent horizontal banding which disguises the location of the split floor plates and windows on the building façade.  By adjusting the operable louvres and windows within the horizontal bands, the inhabitants can control solar access, ventilation, views and their privacy.

The exterior contemporary modern architecture of the residence is complemented by minimalist decor which underlines the interior architecture. Walls are finished with stone and white paint, with black lines around the  rooms and the large windows highlighting the ceilings’ geometrical design which defines both internal living spaces and external terraces.

Photos: © John Gollings.


Project details:

Date: Completed 2011
Structural engineer: Bizurlis Associates Pty Ltd
Hydraulic engineer: Whipps Wood Consulting
Builder: Owner

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