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Distinctive furniture a great real interpretation

The hand crafts chair are the most looked pieces on the market because the number of these furniture are limited due to the difficulty of the manufacture process. It is important to say that furniture made by hand can be the best choice for yore home, that each piece of furniture will have its own expression and personality and fore that reason, these can be an important comfortable and distinctive furniture. 
“Crafts will never be able to compete with industry in terms of quantity nor precision. Therefore in our view, we need to better be able to reap the benefits of the handmade. For us, it is also difficult to justify doing something by hand that the industry does better. There are incredible opportunities in and art crafts. In contrast to the mass produced and impersonal, we believe that the hand prints of paintings and objects will become increasingly important in the future. But is hand prints just to see marks from the vocal iron and brush strokes? What about when a classic industrial materials like steel and techniques such as welding and powder coating is used artisan? Node is our interpretation of craft. One interpretation of our thoughts. The furniture series Node merges pipes intuitive so that each piece of furniture will have its own expression and personality. The principle allows the manufacturer to work with the eye instead of the tape measure and the straight angle. Together with the welding technique which is flexible, the production becomes very free. Carving up the items, seat and back are made of wood which are shaped for a good seat comfort and a softer impression. They are manufactured in the same spirit as the stands and shaped individually with band saw and band trim.

Petter and Anders 2009”

Source: andersjohnsson

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