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Easy Way to Spruce up a Room: Focus on the Walls

Accessories are great when it comes to making a space stand out, but sometimes you have to go deeper. This means making changes to the structure of your room. That could mean putting in new flooring or renovating, but today we’re going to talk about an option that can make a big impact without necessarily involving a ton of work: walls.

Walls can get pretty beat up. Maybe you had something hanging that has now left a blank space, discoloration, or nail holes. Maybe you have a ton of blank wall space that you don’t know what to do with. Well here are some ideas.


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Of course, the most drastic way to make an impact on your walls is to get out a can of paint. But you’re not stuck painting with just one color. Go with a chevron design for high impact, or choose one wall to use as a bright focal point, painting the others a more neutral tone. You could even make one wall a chalkboard for some dual-action decoration and entertainment! Just remember, there’s more to choosing paint than color. Choosing High-Gloss paint rather than Matte could make all the difference in the ambience of your room. Learn about the different types of paint finishes before you make any decisions. Then comes the fun part- choosing a great color palette and paint design for your room!


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 What’s better than having pictures of yourself and your loved ones as a focal point in your room? Hanging photos on walls isn’t new, but you can put a unique spin on it. Now, it’s easy and affordable to laser print photos onto basically any surface. Get canvas, wood, or another material and make a wall-hanging that no one will ever forget! This is a great way to feature your family, just the kids, or even your pets! Or, if you want to go even bigger, you can have your family photos blown up and made into a custom wallpaper mural. That’s a way to make a statement!



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Even the prettiest rooms need storage. If you have items to display, hanging shelves these days come in all shapes and sizes. Floating shelves can make it look like your books are sitting against the wall by themselves.

If you’re looking for a large installation to fill space and look great in your kitchen, consider installing a wine rack. Your wine will be easily accessible, and people will see your great taste on display!

There are lots of simple ways to change your walls from plain and functional to beautiful and interesting! Do you have any wall design ideas to share?

Jeriann Watkins is a Writer and Homeowner in Boise, Idaho. Her pet project this year is cleaning up a messy paint job from the previous homeowners! Check out her blog at

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