If you have a pool on your property then it is absolutely essential that you have a full understanding of how to maintain it and how to keep it clean. Failing to look after your pool can result in dirty water, spoor filtration and there could even be a risk of contaminants in the water. Our swimming pools should be clean, well maintained and above all else, inviting. We caught up with some of the team from Mr Pools Sydney, to find out what every swimming pool owner should know about caring for their pool.

Skim and Scrub

On a daily basis you should be looking to both skim and scrub your pool to ensure that you are avoid any build up of leaves or algae. If the pol hasn’t been used for a couple of days then it will not take long for algae to start growing on the water’s surface where it touches the side walls. Ensuring that leaves are regularly cleaned from the top of the pool will help you to keep the waterways and the filters clean and clear so that they can do their job. A quick brush around the side of the pool at the water’s edge and a skim of the pool will take less than 15 minutes per day.

Cleaning the Filter

The pool’s filter is the equivalent of your body’s kidneys, it removes any impurities in the water and all of this muck and grime will collect in the filter basket. It is good practice to clear this basket once a week in order for it to continue working to the best of its ability. Another great tip here is to clean the pipes which the filter system uses. In order to do this all you have to do is set your filter to backwash, and remove the l elf basket. This will purge the pipes and send the water through the waste pipe, keeping everything as clean as it should be.

Chemical Levels

The pool’s chemical levels should always remain consistent in order for it to be safe to swim in the water. These are the main areas which need to be considered here;

Cyanuric Acid – Ideal reading of between 30-50

PH Level – This should read between 7.5 – 7.8

Total Alkalinity – his helps keep the PH level right, should range between 6-120

Calcium Hardness – This prevents plaster damage and you should have between 220-350

You should also ensure that there is a presence of free chlorine which acts as a sanitized for the pool.

Shocking The Pool

If you have had a pool party or more people in than normal, shocking the pool is a great idea to give it a really good clean. The process of shocking is done by drastically raising the chlorine levels in the pool and then gradually diluting the chlorine back down to normal levels. During this time do not use your pool.

Follow these tips for a pool which is clean and healthy.

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