Guest Blogger

Designlike has been fortunate to have many great Guest Bloggers for independent designers and a lot of firms, which want to promote their products.

We work with many firms and writers around the world, and for this reason we want to offer our experience and the opportunity for you to be part of our team.

Guest blogging is an ideal opportunity to share your knowledge, business, and/or passions of design, architecture or home related topics to Designlike readers. It also gives Designlike readers new content, ideas and a way to know you, and last but not least, advertising to the new and the modern world of home.

Your content should be related to Designlike topics: design, interior design, industrial design, architecture, home niche interest including (These are just suggestions – let me know another idea and share it with us).


Our categories are the perfect place for GUEST BLOGGERS. Below you can find the main categories where you can host your content:

Guest Blogs Guidelines:

If you have a captivating opinion about your business, or just want to sell a product, ideas and want to share with our readers.

You will see your work shared in our community and the material will be online in our site.

Write between 350-700 word blog post or more.

Include 3-6 high quality images linked with the blog post content sized 500 pix. Wide minimum, give us the credit sources, this is necessary.

Include a short description about you and your business, company and include 1-2 links to your website, blog, site, and product.

Guest Bloggers Contact us:

Fill out the contact page and title your form “Guest Blogger”, and then express interest and what you want to share with us.

To advertisers that are interested in Designlike’s traffic, demographics, advertising options and brands that Designlike has collaborated with, send us an e-mail (All prices & information is subject to change without notice). You can also have one sent directly to you by filling out the ‘Contact Us‘ page.(contact [at]

Will be a pleasure to work with you!

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