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Constructing a house is no easy task; you need all the time, effort, and patience you have to build a house you desire. 

No matter what region you are from, everyone desires to build a custom house. Even with the cons involved, the end game is what makes it worth the wait. And why shouldn’t it be? You have the perfect opportunity to plan out every step of the process. 

Building a house from the ground up is a huge responsibility and can be overwhelming, too, even for the experienced builders. If you are ready to take on the challenge, then you have landed on the right page. 

Ready, set, BUILD!

Legal requirements and floorplan

Before you begin working, make sure you have government approval to carry out the construction. Everything from zoning to the grading (change in the contour of the land to accommodate the driveway and home), home construction, septic systems, plumbing, and the electrical work has to be approved first. Sounds annoying, right? You cannot move forward with the structure if you do not have all the legal formalities done. 

Once that is over, you are ready to roll, pun intended. The first step is you need a bulldozer or the backhoe to clear out the site from all the rocks, trees, and debris for the house; you cannot construct on rough land. You cannot do this alone; you need more workforce. Hiring the right people to do the job for you makes it a lot easier. 

Once the site is leveled, you have to put up the wooden pillars, which you can use as a template for the foundation. Digging holes and trenches and pouring the concrete is the next step. 

Please note that once the foundation procedure is complete, the city inspector must inspect the foundation to ensure that the components are up to code and installed well.

It would help if you had a generator.

You may be wondering why? But having a generator during the construction process can be helpful, especially when it is dark. Those torches would do no good at night. Krugerpower generators are the best solution for such a problem as they are portable and highly robust.  

When would you need a generator? You would most need it when your building is ready, and you need to begin with the fixtures and fittings inside. You can also use it in a tent or trailer to keep a lookout. 

Consider hiring a designer.

If your pocket allows you, don’t shy away from hiring a designer to give you a hand. A designer can bring you many benefits; one of them is clearing away half the stress and burden off your shoulders. Looking at the floorplan, a designer can guide you better on the spacings, fixtures, and fittings, and guide your choice of the style you chose.

If you think that a builder can do the job for you, you might want to think again. A builder talks logistics, whereas a designer takes everything into account accordingly. Yes, it is pricey to hire one, but here is a little good news, some designers charge on an hourly basis, so you can hire them only when you need them. 

One thing to keep in mind here is that you should tell the designer what you want, do not compromise on the things you had been dreaming about, like a spacious kitchen or a sunroom. It is your house, and you are the one who gets to live in it. 

Fixtures and fittings, electricals, cabinets, furniture and closets

Having things planned out beforehand can save you time. As the construction takes place, it is advisable to visualize what you would want to add where. 

How big is your closet space? What size of the bed will fit where? How many cabinets do you need in the kitchen? Do you need a chandelier? How do you want your master bathroom to look like? Answer these questions and more along the way. 


As hard as it may seem and sound, the big picture makes it rewarding. You have a dream house set in place, and now you get to live in it. Please note that the construction process and legal requirements vary from region to region. 

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