Designer and architect Fernanda Marques designed with a great inspiration in architecture and interior design a very unique 250 square meters one home that isn’t completely covered with walls or ceilings.
:“Being inside feeling like one is outside. I believe that to be a key issue in understanding the interior design being produced today. In times when environmental awareness is growing, and, of course, also the desire to be close to nature.”Situated in São Paulo, Brazil, Loft 24-7 is the perfect place for days relax  and for spend with your family unique moments in one great luxury environment.
“I believe that to be a key issue in understanding the interior design being produced today. In times when environmental awareness is growing, and, of course, also the desire to be close to nature.”

explains the architect. The design for house is places somewhere in between a great country home and a modernist home. With a perfect interior design , what put all details in a perfect space lines for interior design , we can observe the remarkable elements of design like steel, glass, wood paneling and furnishings who create a harmonious environment for our relaxing moments. In my opinion this great house is one dream for each between us.

Project credits / data

Project: Loft 24-7
Architect: Fernanda Marques
Location: São Paulo, Brazil

All images and drawings courtesy Fernanda Marques Arquitetos Associados


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