How Can I Make My Garage Eco Friendly?

Over the last decade, environmental enthusiasts and green organizations have stressed the need for a drastic reduction in carbon emission.

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As the days go by, awareness about climate change and its effects increases. World governments have set a target by the year 2050 for Carbon net zero-emission. But, due to the growing increase in natural weather disasters, 2050 might be too late. It’s time to make a difference finally. 

The statistics and projections from NASA are not pleasant. Huge icebergs are melting, sea levels have increased, global carbon dioxide emissions are off the charts, and the planet is getting warmer by the day. The only way to ensure sustainability on our planet is to “go green.”

Technology has played a significant role in moving to a greener society with innovations like electric cars, solar panels, even recycling at home. However, the best way to make the world “greener” is by implementing eco-friendly solutions to your home. 

You can plant trees purchase appliances utilizing renewable energy, but one area you shouldn’t neglect is your garage. Many people might argue that it’s unnecessary because your garage isn’t part of your living area. But by making your garage eco-friendly, you save a ton on electric bills and further improve the quality of your home.

This article provides you with a guide to having an eco-friendly garage door. Here are a few ways you can make your garage eco-friendly:

1. Insulate your Walls

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Insulating your walls is one of the first and most efficient ways to make your garage eco-friendly. In virtually all houses, garages are often the warmest or coldest rooms; because they trap the heat during summer and the cold in winter. 

This trapped heat is transferred into the rest of the house, applying more pressure to the air conditioning during summer. Likewise, a poorly insulated garage lets in extra cold air during the summer, meaning you spend more on heating bills. 

If you choose to insulate your garage, you effectively trap the excess heat and cold from reaching the rest of the house, thereby saving you a lot of money in the long run. It is recommended that you insulate the interiors of the garage and seal cracks in the exterior walls. 

2. Upgrading to an Energy-Efficient Garage Door

Upgrading your garage door might seem needless to improve the eco-friendliness of your home, but installing an energy-efficient garage door can help save you a lot of money and reduce carbon emissions in your home. Most garage doors in our homes today have indeed served their time. Numerous garage door manufacturers offer a wide range of doors, designs, and styles to choose from.

The majority of the recently manufactured garage doors come with eco-friendly features like insulation designed to reduce heat loss. If your garage door is defective or in need of repairs, consult an expert who can accurately detect and fix any issues.

3. Improve your Interior Lighting

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The amount of lighting present in your garage significantly affects your electricity billing as well as your home’s carbon footprint. Good lighting might not be a priority for most people, but if you consider the amount of time and electricity spent in the garage, it might become a priority for you.

Make sure your windows are clean enough to maximize the amount of sunlight coming in. It’s also essential to seal all gaps or cracks around the edges of your windows. However, you’d need artificial lighting at night. Energy-efficient LED bulbs are your best option. They have numerous advantages; they emit brighter light, are durable, and do better resisting cold weather. 

4. Purchase Greener Appliances

In most homes, appliances like fridges, freezers, washing machines, and other heating devices are primarily found in garages to create space in the living areas. Most of the time, these appliances have lived their complete lifespan. If they need to be replaced, shop for greener, eco-friendlier options; this would go a long way in reducing your electricity bills and drastically reducing your carbon footprint.

5. Utilize Latest Technologies

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Applying the latest technologies like a smart meter into your garage can help reduce your energy consumption and monitor your energy usage by showing you appliances that consume the most electricity and control how much you use and spend. A lot of energy suppliers now offer free meter installations.

Installing devices like smart thermostats in your garage can save your home a lot of energy. Smart thermostats are designed to learn your home’s temperature settings and adjust automatically at the slightest of weather changes. This is better because you can control these devices remotely using your smartphone.


Improving the eco-friendliness of your garage can take as long as you desire. We’ve highlighted a couple of tips that can quickly help you with both long and short-term projects. There are unlimited ways to go green. As long as everyone’s doing their part to protect the planet, we can’t go wrong.

Go green!

Author Bio-Tammy Taylor is a dedicated content marketing professional. Since quite some time, he has been closely following trends in the travel industry. Prior to joining the travel and vehicle industry, he worked in a variety of domains. In order to keep her garage safe, she always considers Elite Garage Door & Gate Repair whenever she modifies her garage. Tammy enjoys working out, trying new foods, and spending time with her dog when she isn’t working.

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