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How to Get Raccoons Out of the House

Raccoons are mischievous creatures that will seriously damage the attic when given the chance.

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Many females break into attics every year when they need a place to raise their kits. They tear their way through the soffits or the roof vents, then make a mess of the attic inside. 

Animal invasions are terrible for the maintenance of your attic because they expose them to rain and snow. Exposing the attic to moisture like this will increase your energy bills and cause mold. Raccoons will also leave piles of feces near their dens, ruining the insulation in your attic and causing terrible odours. 

Image by Here and now, unfortunately, ends my journey on Pixabay from Pixabay

Raccoons must be removed immediately. If you suspect that there is raccoon activity in your home, follow these steps:

  1. Hire a Wildlife Removal Technician 

Raccoon removal requires the help of a professional. This is because raccoons may attack you if they feel threatened and failing to exclude the attic properly may result in repeated break-ins. Trapping is inhumane, and relocating the animals is illegal in most places. Should you separate a mother from her kits, you risk damaging your roof further as she comes back for her young. Raccoon removal is best left to the pros. 

A professional will inspect your property for points of entry, then attach a one-way door to the entrance the raccoons are using. Like a pet door that only swings one way, the one-way door will let the animals out but prevent their return. Once out, the animals will find another place to live. If there are babies in the den, the professional will remove them by hand and reunite them with their mother. This process ensures that no human nor animal gets hurt. 

Another benefit to hiring a professional is that they can exclude your roof for you. Many companies will make repairs for you and cover things like roof vents so that no more animals break through. 

Image by Herbert Aust from Pixabay
  1. Exclude the Roof 

Raccoons that have been evicted from the attic may come right back. To prevent this, make all the repairs that your roof needs. Seal gaps along the edges of your roof with caulking, flashing, or mesh. The same thing goes for gaps along the sides of the soffits. You can also cover vulnerable soffits with mesh. If your shingles are in bad shape, have a roofer replace them. 

Many wildlife removal companies offer this service in addition to wildlife removal. Ask the technician removing the raccoons if they can cover your roof vents and exclude all other vulnerabilities from wildlife. 

  1. Remove Sources of Food 

Raccoons tend to den in areas where they can find food. Make sure that your garbage cans have tight lids and secure them with locks and bungee cords. Clean them every few weeks to remove odours. Raccoons are infamous for raiding garbage cans. If they can’t get to yours, they will move elsewhere. 

Photo by form PxHere

Get rid of the bird feeder, pick up fallen fruit, and don’t leave any pet food outside. Always clean up after a meal outdoors and cover the barbecue.  

  1. Use Deterrents 

If there are lots of raccoons in your area, you can also have deterrents installed. There are lots of electronic deterrents available online and in hardware stores. They are motion-activated, so when a raccoon comes near, the deterrent will flash lights, spray water, or make an unpleasant sound. Find a deterrent that works for you and put it where you have seen raccoons before, like the edge of the roof or somewhere in the garden. 

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