How to Make Your Rental Home Rent-Ready for Tenants


A house that “sparkles” on the surface will rent faster than its shabby counterpart. Moreover, renters feel more comfortable renting a well-cared for home.

As a landlord, there are many things you can do to make your rental home rent-ready for tenants.

Use this helpful checklist:



A fresh coat of paint in between tenants will breathe new life into a property. Paint is by far the easiest and cheapest way to spruce up a rental home. It’s important to remember that selecting the right color is key.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when selecting paint color:

Aside from painting, you should also give the exterior landscape a fresh new look. The following are some ideas to get you started:



A clean home is a happy home. If you’re just beginning your rental property experience make sure you keep this in mine. There is a peace of mind that comes with moving into a clean new home. But generally, a clean rental home implies good maintenance and reliability.

Here are some tips for cleaning your rental home to make it rent-ready:





A tenant turnover provides an opportunity for landlords to inspect important features and make sure they’re functioning as they should.

Here are a couple of things to check:

Common appliances include:



Finally, do a walkthrough of the property to make sure everything is in order. Check the exterior bulbs whether they need replacing or just cleaning. Also check the switches to confirm they are working as they should.

Next, check water faucets. Check for adequate water pressure and temperature as well as proper drainage. Check sinks for drips or moisture.


With this checklist, you’ll help ensure that your rental home is in rentable condition for new tenants. A rent-ready rental home also has a high probability of attracting high quality, long-term tenants.


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