Dogs bark for an array of different reasons. One of these reasons is what is known as barrier frustration. This stems from your dog seeing and smelling things in a neighbor’s yard but not being able to go beyond your own yard. In this type of situation, your dog becomes frustrated and barks. There are some steps that you can — and need to — take in order to lessen your dog’s vocal reaction to this type of situation. Though there are aggressive alternatives like ultrasonic bark deterrent collars you can get on KarmaPets, there are many simple ways to prevent them from excessive barking. Follow the steps below and observe if they help alleviate your issue.

Avoid an Open Fence

A basic strategy you need to employ when it comes to your dog behaving loudly is to avoid any type of open fence around your properly. For example, a chain link fence will promote and enhance loud behavior on the part of your dog, and not eliminate it.

Add a True Privacy Fence at Your Home

In order to keep your dog quieter and better under control, you need to install a true privacy fence. This is a fence that truly blocks your canine’s view into surrounding yards. It also tamps down on the amount of what your dog will be able to smell.

A privacy fence works both ways. If your neighbors have dogs, a privacy fence will also lessen their barrier frustration. This will lower the level of stress experienced by your own dog as well.

Fence Height Matters

You also need to pay attention to fence height when it comes to creating a better environment for your dog, and lessening the noise your pet makes. Your fence should be built high enough to discourage your dog from jumping. You also need to keep in mind that a larger dog is capable of standing on his or her hind legs to peer over the fence. In the end, that defeats the whole purpose of its installation. Be sure you check local ordinances to know limitations on fence height.

Proper Landscaping at Bottom of Fence

Many privacy fences, including those made from vinyl and wood, have panels that actually are installed just above the ground. This is done in order to lessen the growth of mildews and prevent insect infestation. This can leave small gaps that permit your pet to hear things from the other side of the fence. It also permits your dog the ability to smell things coming from the other side.

You can avoid your dog seeing and smelling things through this gap by incorporating proper landscaping at the base of the fence. In this regard, you do not want to plant or place things in front of the gap (to close the gap) that will allow your canine the ability to climb, perhaps even climb over the fence.

Make Playtime for Your Pooch

Adding an appropriate amount of playtime into your schedule (and that of your dog) will make your pooch feel more secure and happy. You should consider playing with your dog in three different locations: inside your home, in the backyard, and on walks around the neighborhood.

Taking your dog on walks around the neighborhood will likely satisfy his or her desire to know what is going on beyond the fence. By playing with your dog in the backyard, he or she will have a positive response to the space. This will make your canine more content with being in the backyard, and far less interested in exploring what is going on around him or her.

You should make playing with your dog part of a daily routine. This includes playing in the backyard on a regular basis. Your dog will end up associating the backyard with time spend doing activities, and not a place where he or she ends up routinely bored.


Jessica Kane is a writer for Viking Fence, the number on fence rental company in Houston.

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