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Innovative Construction Play Set Connects Parent and Childs

As parents you probably have often wondered how you can stimulate your children’s creativity and thinking at early ages. One way to do that is through such innovative construction play sets like the one we share with you today, which certainly encourage kids to think outside the square and imagine all kinds of creations, connecting  in the same time parent and childs in a new and interesting way.

Meant for kids aged four and up, Tikestix is a little tikes construction toy designed by Josh Finkle and Jake Foley in 2011, which allows kids to build endless number of works and even large play environments with very little money from parents. They are really attractive and were created to display colorful  and simple design with a versatile use.

Each innovative construction play set features plastic sturdy building pieces made in USA which of course fit little hands of your child and are meant to be used both indoors and outdoors. Kids get bored quickly with the same things, so choosing from a range of four different play sets  which are interchangeable is great for them. The sets offers several building suggestions, but, of course, the sky is the limit. They can expand their building possibilities in order to create forts, clubhouses, garages, airplanes, ships and more. Really fun great for their wild imagination, don’t you think?

Photos: © Josh Finkle.


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