After you put up with water damage from any flood or storm, you are likely to have forty hours at maximum to prevent any growth of mold.

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Mold can be pretty dangerous concerning the health of you and your family. And this is why you need to know about avoiding mold formation after water damage. 

It is always better to get help from professionals for mold removal, but sometimes with very little help, you can do it all by yourself. But, the catch is you need to treat mold after damage with effective immediacy. Let us see the ways that you can imply to get rid of mold from your household: 

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Process 1: Extraction of all the moisture soon enough post damage 

mold are likely to grow in damp areas. And that is why it is important to get rid of the moisture to prevent the further growth of mold. The more the breeze, the better it is. It would be best if you let the air keep flowing. Either make use of running fans or large open windows. For greater damage control, make use of a dehumidifier to dry up the moisture on a larger scale. 

Make sure you don’t forget to check the holding tank. This is because the tank might get filled with water, and there might be a need to empty it. There is a probability that this water in the tank might also contain mold spores. Make sure not to leave the water sitting for too long. And soon enough, when you gain control of the moisture situation, you can start the next step, which is mold cleaning. 

Process 2: The significant areas need to be cleaned

After you are done with the extraction of moisture, all you need to do is clean the surface. The floors and the walls should go up first for cleaning. If you have carpet on the floor, pull it up and let it soak under the bright sun. This is because the sun’s rays are effective in killing any occurrence of mold. 

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It is better to leave the carpet in the sun unless and until you finish cleaning the house’s big surface areas. You can mix a cup filled with chlorine beach along with warm water. For protection, you can put on your gloves and ventilation mask. Now, start wiping the rags and walls and keep them undisturbed for a while to dry up. 

Now, with the remaining solution of chlorine beach and warm water, start mopping the floor. When the walls and floors have dried, go easy on them for the next time with liquid disinfectant and warm water. The liquid disinfectant helps kill mold if there are any. 

mold take a little time before it becomes visible, so you might need to repeat the process for three days until they disappear again. Then, you have to work on the wooden surface. 

Process 3: Clean the wooden pieces of furniture 

Wooden surfaces are likely to get affected by mold growth too. So, to keep it healthy, it becomes a necessary task to remove the spores from areas such as bookcases, tables, and desks. You can use a rag to do it or denatured alcohol. 

All you need to do is pour a minimal amount of denatured alcohol and rub it along the wooden surface. If you are worried about using denatured alcohol, then we are here to tell you that it is nothing to be concerned about. The use of denatured alcohol will not cause any harm to your household finish. But, for extra safety, check it in an inconspicuous area before you start wiping in your house. 

Now, when you have cross-checked the safety of the alcohol, you can use it. Now, allow the alcohol to dry up completely, and spray disinfectant on the surface. When you have cleaned all the surfaces in the same manner, you can now go ahead with the next step and clean the porous surfaces. 

Photo by Siarhei Plashchynski on Unsplash

Process 4: Start cleaning the porous surfaces

Mold spores are likely to get collected on porous surfaces, such as fabric or upholstered items. In case of any fabric item, you can wash it to get rid of mold. Take them anywhere with a warm atmosphere. Now, wash them at the hottest temperature possible that will be allowed by the fabric. 

 Now, turn to the upholstered items. Don’t worry. Take them outside. Remember when you are working with the fabric items, the mold spores will likely go up in the air. So, you must brush them and leave them under the sun to dry up. This will help to kill the mold. 

In this process, disinfectants play a huge role. After brushing them off, you need to spray disinfectant and take them inside your house. Now, bring your vacuum. With the help of a vacuum, extract the dead mold spores from the upholstery. 

Thus, with this help, you will be able to eliminate the mold that would have been so troublesome. But, in any case, if the mold spores are visible and not gone, you have to repeat the process.

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Process 5: Make use of paint 

When we advise you to use paint, we mean the use of color along with mildewcide in any damp area. This is because mildewcide is an effective paint that helps control mold-filled surfaces. 

This paint can be used especially in damp and shady areas such as bathrooms. Many paints already come with mildewcide. So, while you decide to buy, do have a conversation with the seller regarding it. 


It is always better to get rid of mold with the help of professionals. And if you have been suffering from this mold situation and are searching for a professional, you might go for Bedrock Restoration. They are not only an authentic company but also one of the best when it comes to mold removal. Go ahead now! 

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