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Little Manhattan: Beautiful Marble Sculpture Map by Yutaka Sone

Little Manhattan” is a beautiful work of Japanese contemporary artist Yutaka Sone from Los Angeles which represents the Manhattan island map, sculpted entirely out of white marble. This impressive map was exhibited between September 20 and October 29, 2011  at the David Zwirner gallery in New York. Little Manhattan’s sculpture map reflect an obbsesive attention to details of the artist who tried to recreate the island to scale in marble, pending more than two years after 2006 making a wood-and-foam model based on Google Earth and his own photos taken during a helicopter ride. Some structures from the sculpture were slightly enlarged to show their iconic details which together with the pure white marble give an industrial look to the top, while the bottom is more elegant and poetic appearing from a distance like a large, weightless feminin dress.

Weighning two-and-a-half ton, Little Manhattan is probably the heavy map of Manhattan on the world which shows its divers architectural landscape: the city many skyscrapers as well as the intricate paths through Central Park and the bridges to the east to west. A great physical replica.

Photos: David Zwirner Gallery.

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