The Psychology of Color for Interior Design

Colors aren’t randomly used when we talk about interior design colors. At first sight, we may think that it’s very easy to choose colors for a living room for example,...

10 Amazing Parquet Interior Design

Parquet is the most classic, elegant, and functional form of decorating the floor, that any fleeting fashion nor appearance of other materials fail to unseat. Photo by Markus Spiske on...

10 Awesome Fireplaces Screens

Fireplaces screens are a necessity for those who have the custom in cold weather to spend a few moments or hours in front of a fireplace with a cup of...

22 Most Famous Bridges in the World

In this world there are many famous things to see but the most spectacular architecture technologies are the bridges. Every bridge we present to you has his own story, it’s...

What is your Home Design Style?

Many people have been asked about its own decorating idea home and probably most have answered that every home must have the owner personality. Well this is true but my...

Swallow’s Nest Castle Design Crimea

Swallow’s Nest is a decorative castle built between 1911 and 1912on the Aurora Cliff, located near to the Yalta on the Crimean peninsula. The architectural design  was made by the...

10 Amazing Cars Design

The cars are the most common method used by humans for use in different situations and conjuncture. today the cars has become indispensable to the people. Car designers with great...