Glowing artificial trees by Influx-Studio and ShiftBoston, A CO2-scrubbing artificial tree
Earth’s population continues to grow, lower air quality is a big problem for all countries in…
Earth’s population continues to grow, lower air quality is a big problem for all countries in…
The Taj Mahal it is the most famous places on India with an amazing architecture and…
It is the largest rally station from Europe with a futuristic architecture designed by gmp-architekten von…
The water cube is an amazing architectural building for swimming designed by consortium made up of…
The Sydney Opera House is fore shore an expressionist architecture modern design, the most recognizable…
The National Grand Theatre from Beijing China, is an remarkable architectural design, in shape of an…
Located in Yeonsan-dong, Pusan, south korea this building was constructed for the purpose of promoting “Xi,”…
Natural disasters are frequent in this sense the architects designing homes with very strong evidence, in…