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PDFBear Walk Through: Unlock Password Protected Portable Document Format Files

Portable Document Format or mostly known as PDF, is one of the most tricky online document formats today. It has a distinct feature that restricts you from modifying its contents and information embedded inside its document easily. Most of the PDF files that have confidential information are password-protected to keep it safer.

Image by Esa Riutta from Pixabay

It is an inconvenience to type in the password each time you open your PDF file. Suppose you are handling a large number of PDF files for your work, school, or business. You should be able to access your PDF file quickly. However, One of the most common problems is removing a password from your PDF file.

Image by Mateusz Zdrzałek from Pixabay

If you want to unlock a password-protected PDF, you are reading the right article. This article will walk you through how to use PDFBear as your online converter tool for your PDF files and discuss the benefits and advantages you can experience from its features to give you the best conversion journey for your documents.

Things To Prepare When Converting With PDFBear

Before you can start to unlock password protected PDF files, you need certain things to use their services and online tools and convert your PDF files smoothly. One of the vital aspects that you should prepare before you access the website of PDFBear is having a device of your own choice. You can use any device as long as it can carry out your PDF file and connect to the internet.

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Another critical aspect that should have when converting with PDFBear is a reliable internet connection. This is one of the important things you should have when converting your PDF files because you will need to upload and download the PDF files from/into their system. While uploading and downloading, you should avoid getting interrupted to keep away from damage and corrupted PDF files.

Lastly, you should also prepare the PDF file itself. Most of the individuals preferred their PDF files stored in their device storage for safekeeping. An alternate option for you to access your PDF files anytime and anywhere is using online storage like Google Drive, DropBox, etc.

Unlock Password Protected PDF file

Suppose you are already prepared and have access to the things you needed in accessing the website of PDFBear. The first activity you should do is look in on the platform of PDFBear and browse through the multiple online tools that are appropriately arranged for you to find the right online tool at a faster pace.

The moment that you found the right online tool that meets your needs click on the said online tool, and you will be moved from the home page and into a new webpage. In this web page, you can read the instructions on using the specific online tool and what kind of features you will be benefiting from when using PDFBear as your online converter tool.

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

If you are new to converting your PDF files, here is an example of how you can remove encrypted passwords in your PDF file while using the online tools provided by PDFBear.

Free To Use

You may be wondering how much is the registration fee for you to use the online tools from PDFBear. The good news is every online tool that is displayed on their homepage can be used for free. Yes! Every online tool is available to use for free, even if you are a new user. You are not needed to register an account; all you need to do is visit their website and convert.

On top of PDFBear being free to use is you don’t need to download any application in your storage because every transaction about converting your PDF file will be handled online through their online cloud storage. This will be a favorable factor for you to save up some space for your other online activities.

However, some online tools have options for premium users to fully utilize and be more productive in converting their online documents.

Image by Holger Göcht from Pixabay


Taking care of your online documents is one of the most important aspects of storing your documents for safekeeping. PDF files, for example, have confidential information which is password-protected primarily to limit the number of people accessing it. However, that may be a disadvantage, especially if you open a huge number of PDF files.

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