Peles castle ia beautiful architecture where the Italian Renaissance, Gothic, German Baroque and French Rococo style are very well representatived on the decorative elements.Located in Sinaia at 44 km from Brasov, Romania an aria with a montaine climatic and a wonderful landscape, is considered by many one of the most beautiful castles in all Europe.The materials used fore the buliding of the castle was: wood, stone, bricks and marble and comprises more than 160 rooms. It is saing that the architects used an abundance of wooden decoration, both for the exterior and for the interior of the castle, which confers a very special quality to the building which is true.
It is surrounded by seven terraces decorated with statues (sculptured by the Italian, Romanelli), stone-made-wells, ornamental vases and Carara marble. The interior design decoration is reflected in the elegant rooms of the Peles Castle: Big Armory Room, the small Armory Room, the Florentine Room, the Reception Room (where paintings and wooden sculptures depicting 16 castles of the Hohenzollerns are exhibited), the Moresque Room, The French Room, the Turkish Room, the Council Room, the Concert Room as well as the Imperial Suite. See also the relative artice: Gothic architecture reflected in Burton Castle Spain
Source for: Peles Castle a beautiful architecture design