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Residential Solar vs. Community Solar: Choosing the Best Option for Powering Your Home

brown and white concrete house

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Solar power is a popular option for homeowners looking to switch to renewable energy. 

If you’re interested in creating a solar-powered home, analyze your choices to guarantee you select the best option for you. 

Learn about residential solar and community solar to make an informed and beneficial decision. 

Photo by Vivint Solar on Unsplash

What is Residential Solar?

Residential solar refers to the installation of a solar power system on your property. 

Ideal rooftop conditions are essential for a residential solar power system. Analyze the direction, size, slant, material, age, and shade of your rooftop. Rooftops that are south facing, durably built, and slant at about 30-45 degrees are viable candidates for solar power systems.

Discover the perfect solar power system and number of solar panels by calculating the kilowatt-hours of power required for completely covering your home’s energy consumption. An average homeowner needs 28-34 solar panels, which costs anywhere between $10,000 and $40,000 for equipment and installation. 

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Installing a solar power system is accomplished by purchasing a self-installed system or hiring a specialty contractor. The DIY approach is possible with limited knowledge and skills, saving you thousands in labor expenses. Otherwise, find a quality contractor with reasonable rates to properly install your solar power system. 

Residential solar power systems are able to connect to the power grid or remain off the power grid. Staying connected means whether you overproduce or underproduce electricity, you’ll be covered by the local utility. Living off-grid requires specialized batteries to store excess energy produced during the day to utilize at night. 

Recognize the specific conditions, costs, and considerations necessary before investing in residential solar

Amazing Savings 

Residential solar offers amazing savings. 

Photo by Vivint Solar on Unsplash

Net metering is the billing system that credits solar power system owners connected to the grid for electricity they contribute to the power grid. Excess electricity created by your solar power system is delivered to the power grid and local utility. The utility company pays you for the energy supply by adding solar credits to your monthly electric bill. 

Credits earned are subtracted from your energy expenses, effectively reducing your costs and saving you thousands of dollars every year. 

Residential solar also provides beneficial tax incentives. The investment tax credit gives solar power system owners approximately 26% of the installation costs back on federal taxes, limiting the initial expenses. 

Lastly, residential solar power systems increase your property value. On average, a system boosts a home’s value by $20 for every $1 saved in annual utility bills, potentially adding up to $20,000. 

Access amazing savings by installing a residential solar power system.

What is Community Solar? 

Community solar refers to a group of people sharing electricity generated by solar power. Other names for community solar include shared solar, energy sharing, and solar farms or gardens. 

Photo by Vivint Solar on Unsplash

Community solar projects are funded and operated by third parties, typically utility companies, government organizations, or private companies, who elect to install numerous solar panels in a certain community. Energy created by the solar panels is delivered to the power grid and distributed by the local utility to homes and businesses. 

Joining a community solar project is as simple as locating solar gardens near you and subscribing to the service. 

Shared solar offers increased accessibility to solar power because:

Understand the concept and advantages of community solar to discover whether it’s the perfect solution for powering your home. 

Financial Benefits 

Community solar provides excellent financial benefits. 

Photo by Vivint Solar on Unsplash

Generally, members of shared solar projects completely bypass installation costs and maintenance fees, eliminating any initial investment expenses.

Virtual net metering is the billing system that credits community solar subscribers for electricity added to the power grid. Energy produced by your share of solar panels at the solar farm is distributed to the grid. The utility company pays for the electricity through solar credits that appear on your monthly electric bill.

Credits earned through community solar offer guaranteed savings of at least 10% on energy expenses, meaning you can budget better.

Receive impeccable financial benefits by switching to community solar. 

Residential solar and community solar are two viable methods for creating a solar-powered home. Discover the best option for you by evaluating your needs and the apparent advantages of each choice. 

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