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Small Sanctuary – Turning a Tiny Yard Into a Petit Paradise

The living room gets a lot of love. And a weekend doesn’t go by when you aren’t adding to or tweaking how your bedroom looks. But the yard? The yard is overlooked and isn’t a place that reflects too much creativity and personality.. but with a few small changes and design features your tiny yard could become a petit paradise.

Light the way

In any space, having the right light will instantly set the tone of the room. Bad lighting also has the power to turn people off a space so this is the right place to start. There are no flood lights or fluorescents in paradise so opt for some tasteful garden lights to set the mood, and get you in a state of relaxation fast.

Candles are always a nice touch in any outdoor setting, and if there is someone who is always getting bitten by mosquitoes (we all have that friend) surprise them with a citronella scent so you can enjoy the space at any hour of the day.

Comfort first

The one thing that draws us to the living room over the yard is comfort. However, build it and they will come. Fit-out your tiny space with some outdoor furniture, and adorn those benches with cushions, sheepskin and a blanket or two for good measure. Having a bar fridge means you can keep your drinks, dip and cheese chilled and an outdoor crockery set will mean there is no need to dart inside to grab anything.

If the space is being used by a few people in the house, make sure there is a separate zone for each individual that reflects their interests; a beanbag and stack of magazines, or perhaps a yoga mat and tea station.

Get nature on your side

The road to paradise is hedged with many plants of all shapes and sizes. If the space you are working with isn’t as new or edgy as you would like, get some funky plants, herbs and trees to liven the space and add some colour. Low maintenance plants are going to make your life easier, and crawling vines always create a paradise effect. A vertical garden is another way to add some colour and actually create a feature in your yard.

Relaxation only

Whether we set out to or not, responsibilities and chores always seem to creep into those relaxing moments. The living room is littered with folded washing, and the laptop sits on the bed so that more work can be done from home. Set your petit paradise apart and make it a relaxation-only area. Books, magazines and even netflix is welcome – but make sure your tiny yard has no chores that will take you away from much needed downtime.

If you’re passionate about enforcing this rule, you could put a glass bowl somewhere so that people have to put their phones in before entering paradise so that they can be in the moment and enjoy the space for what it is.

The best part about your personal petit paradise? It is entirely yours, and only you can decide what that paradise looks and feels like. The perfect venue for a winter soiree or a summer BBQ, let the space be your relaxation and entertainment mecca so that your house can be all about Monday to Friday 9-5. The budget to create this space might not be large (or even existent) so take your time in adding and subtracting from the area, always keeping an eye out for what will make it pop.

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