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In the absence of anchor points for tying off personnel, horizontal lifelines are the standard fall protection system. To prevent falls on an elevated work area, like a crane or rooftop, this cable is attached to two or more anchor points. It is possible to position HALLS at the base or overhead of a structure or between these points.

Source: PxHere

Together with personal protective equipment and gear, horizontal lifeline systems can arrest a fall and reduce the force applied to the worker and the fall arrest system.

A Horizontal Lifeline System, or, improves safety, mobility, and reliability.There are several applications for HLLs, including docks and bays, rail runways, rooftops, bridges, etc.


In order to understand why HLLS is so important, we need to discuss the difference between fall prevention, fall restraint, and fall arrest systems.

Image : PxHere

Prevention of falls

The passive nature of fall prevention systems means that workers don’t have to change their routines in order to use them. Security guidelines, such as rooftop guardrails, prevent falls by allowing workers to work without having to anchor themselves to a system.

Construction and maintenance industries can benefit from this approach, but it requires investment beforehand.

Restraints for falls

The fall restraint system prevents workers from falling from ledges by preventing them from getting too close to it. An example of a fall restraint system is a horizontal lifeline system, which requires the worker to wear a harness and connect a lanyard to an anchor.

It is possible to have a fixed fall restraint system, such as one anchor point, which is suitable for smaller workplaces. In larger workplaces, there can be multiple anchor points.

Image: PxHere

Arrest for Falling

The use of fall arrest systems is typically reserved for last-resort situations.

A fall arrest system is similar to a fall restraint system, such as a horizontal lifeline system. Body harnesses and anchor points are worn by the worker. In order to prevent falls, the equipment is designed to withstand the force required. To protect users from serious bodily injuries, shock absorbers are also included.

Hopefully, this difference will help you understand why Horizontal Lifeline Systems are important. Taking a look at the benefits next would be a good idea.


A durable product

No matter what the force and weather conditions are, horizontal lifeline systems are made with durable components such as stainless steel wire and brackets.

There are multiple mounting options available

A horizontal lifeline system can be mounted in a variety of ways, making it useful for a variety of applications. HLLS can be mounted floor-level, side-mounted, or overhead depending on the facility and the type of work. Lifelines are attached to surfaces at set intervals and can also change directions to follow the edge of a roof or other fall hazards.

Photo by Thomas Welch on Unsplash

Continual safety

A multi-user system

A horizontal lifeline system can be extended by increasing anchor points according to the size and number of users who require fall protection.

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