Things to Check Before Buying a Property

While houses remain prohibitively priced throughout the UK, the property market is poised to experience a marked dip in the near-term.

In fact, the market could see the average property price decline by 10% between now and the end of 2023, creating a small window of opportunity for aspiring buyers to take their first, tentative step on the housing market.

Photo by R ARCHITECTURE on Unsplash

But if you do decide to buy a property in 2023, what are the key considerations? Here are some factors to keep in mind:

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Why are Checks so Important?

Buying a house is an expensive process, even accounting for the current market dip and economic downturn.

Remember, those of you who already own property may see any potential savings countered by the reduced value of your own home, so little will change in this regard.

Checks can ultimately help to reduce long-term costs, while identifying potential issues that may enable you to reduce the purchase price. 

Similarly, checks can help you to make discoveries that may impact on future renovation or resale plans, potentially avoiding significant delays to specific projects and negating the need to invest in costly or complex structural changes.

Photo by R ARCHITECTURE on Unsplash

Your Property Buying Checklist – 3 Key Considerations

When you engage in the buying process, there are a few universal considerations regardless of your current homeowner status. These include:

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