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Things to do before pest removal company arrives

Bedbugs, rats, cockroaches and other kinds of pests can be a real menace in our homes.

Nathan O’Nions, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Not only they are dangerous for health, but they are responsible for creeping us out. Everything in your home could become dirty and infected if a pest has made its nest in your home. All of us want to get rid of them as soon as possible. But before you do that there are some things you must do before pest removal companies arrive at your doorstep. 

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The Responders professional bed bug removal services primarily offer to control termites, bed bugs, and cockroaches in homes. But all they can do is try their best to remove pests. The rest of the work is up to you. You have to do the cleaning all by yourself. There are certain things that you have to do before the pest control services arrive. For example, before starting with the pest control treatment, you need to ensure that your food, clothes, furniture and other items are safe. Once the treatment is done, you can open your things and use them as you do in your daily life. 

Although it is almost always the kind of pest that will dictate the course of action in your home but here is your guide to do things before the arrival of pest removal companies.  

  1. You should give access to pest control services:

It is very necessary that you give access to responders professional bed bug removal servicemen because if you don’t give them access, they won’t be able to spray it around and ultimately, they can’t kill any pest.

Image by Merio from Pixabay

You should remove all large pieces of furniture or your electric appliances away from corners. Put them in one room preferably.  This will give access to pest control professionals to do their job. They will spray into the corners where usually pest nests tend to thrive. This way your furniture and appliances will also be safe from the treatment. However, if the furniture or appliances are already infected, you may have to clean them with a hot box or steam treatment. 

2- Keep your clothes and furniture wrapped:

There is a lot of stuff in our homes. There are clothes, furniture, toys, makeup, toiletries and utensils. You need to find a plastic wrap for all of them and keep them packed while your home is going through the treatment. The treatment is lethal for pests, but it can be dangerous to your health too. Ensure that your belongings are securely packed and stored in cabinets. If possible, seal the cabinet’s gaps with any adhesive. 

Image by chien than from Pixabay

The same thing goes for your bedsheets, cushions, pillions, mattresses, and sofas. Wrap them with a plastic sheet so that nothing penetrates through it. 

As for furniture, make sure you clean their corners so that if pests are nesting there, they are killed and does not affect the other stored items. 

Kitchen cabinets and countertops are usually prone to have pests so make sure you pick up everything from there and leave it for the pest removal companies to do the treatment there. 

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