When it comes to property security it is important to ensure that the precautions in place are of the highest calibre, especially when it comes down to the safety of your home. Though home security is often a huge priority, garage safety can often be overlooked. Garage uses are becoming increasingly varied, with many individuals choosing to use the space for storage which can result in a hefty loss should potential thieves break in. UK retailer of quality concrete garages, sheds, workshops and garden rooms, Lidget Compton outline their top tips for ensuring your garage’s security is the best it can be.

Garage door

The best place to start when working on the security of your garage is the door. It may sound obvious but by making sure that you get into the good practise of shutting the door behind you and locking it should help reduce the risk of burglary. Checking the condition of the door and the lock itself is another must, if under closer inspection either component appears old or deteriorated then it may be time to upgrade to newer version that will provide stronger security.

Garage condition 

If the door is in working order, then ensure that the structure of the garage is just as strong. It’s important to stay on top of the maintenance of the garage to prolong its life. If the structure is becoming dilapidated, this could allow a thief an opportunity to help themselves thanks to its easy accessibility. In some cases, it may be more effective to buy a new garage rather than trying to fix an old one. Concrete garages from Lidget Compton are robust, secure and come in a range of sizes to suit your needs.

Lighting and cameras

Installing motion lighting and cameras is a great way to scare off any potential thieves. If you store valuable items in your garage then it would certainly be worth investing in lighting and cameras, especially if your garage is a distance away from your home. Not only will the appearance of a bright light be much more likely to drive the thief away, the light will also help to alert you that there is a potential trespasser on your property.

Everything out of sight

It’s important that you don’t encourage burglars to break in by having your brand-new bike in full view of a window. By keeping all valuables out of sight you’re able to reduce the chances of a burglar taking  the risk to break in. You can do this by investing in frosted windows; not only does this style of glass hide important valuables, it still allows in necessary light. If frosted windows aren’t an option, simply cover valuables with dust sheets or place them into storage cupboards.  


For extra precaution, installing an alarm covers all chances of security. If the alarm senses motion then it will go off, allowing you to be made aware that someone is there attempting to break in and forcing the opportunist to make a hasty exist.  

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