Turquoise Resin Clock

If you have spent any time on Pinterest, you’ve probably seen the gorgeous collection of resin artwork posted there. Clocks of all different sizes, table tops, wall art, jewelry,  serving trays and other pieces of home decor. It is all so beautiful, someone might look at that and think, “I could never make something like that,” but you’d be wrong. In fact, it is very doable for almost anybody. All you need are the right tools and supplies.

Resin crafting takes so many different forms. It is kind of emerging as an art form, like painting, modeling, or sculpting. There is a bit of a learning curve to it, but once you’ve completed your first project, you’ll be hooked on it. The Turquoise Resin Clock is a fairly simple project to make. If you have all the supplies, then let’s get started.

What You Will Need:

Step-by-step Guide for Turquoise Resin Clock

  1. First, gather all of your supplies and make sure you have everything before beginning. You don’t want to let anything sit while you’re looking for a last minute item. The design for this particular clock is fairly simple and easy to get started.
  1. The next step is to get your clock mold and the gold leaf flakes. Using a set of long tweezers, fill in each of the clock numbers with gold flakes. Go around the entire clock until all of the numbers are filled in. 
  1. With the small paintbrush, dip the brush in the gold metallic paint and go on top of the gold leaf flakes and completely fill in each number on the clock face. The gold paint really makes the numbers pop.
  1. Use the UV light on each number to let it cure. It needs to be completely dry before beginning the next step. Let it cure for 12 – 24 hours or until completely hardened. If you pour the epoxy before the paint is not fully dried it will run all over and ruin the outcome of your clock. Wait the full amount of time for the best results.
  1. After the paint has fully dried, pour the clear epoxy over the whole face of the clock. Begin to place a few dark blue stones at the bottom of the clock. The next layer will be the light blue stones. 
  1. Mix the light blue in with the darker blue stones. Add in a few slate blue stones and mix them in with the other colored stones. The last row will be the turquoise stones. The design stretches from the bottom to about mid-way up the clock. Arrange the stones to resemble layers of colors, but try to keep a clear spot in the very center of the clock. This will be for the clock hands later on.
  1. Above the stones, begin placing in the iridescent flakes. Mix them in around the stones up to the top layer of the clock. Add another layer of resin and continue mixing the flakes to spread them out over the entire top of the clock. 
  1. Using the tweezers, spread the stones out a little. The whole face of the clock should be covered, keeping the free space in the middle. You basically want to spread the stones out so every inch of the clock is covered in color. You want to do this while the resin is still wet and you can still move the stones around. 
  1. Let the whole design cure for another 12 – 24 hours. It should be completely dry before continuing to the next step. 
  1. When the front of the clock is completely cured, flip it over putting it face down inside the mold backing. Add a layer of resin on the back and add some iridescent flakes at the top of the clock to about mid-way down. The iridescent flakes should show through on the front and back of the clock. Let the clock cure again for another 12 – 24 hours. 

When the clock is completely cured, remove it from the backing and drill a small hole in the center, large enough to fit the clock mechanism. Feed the mechanism through the back of the clock and place a washer and gold tone nut on the mechanism and tighten it down with a pair of needle nose pliers. Attach the clock hands and second hand. Turn it over and place a battery in the clock mechanism.  That is it, you’re done.

Helpful tips:

Here are a few basic recommendations when it comes to resin safety:

Always take precautions when working with any type of chemicals. Wear protective clothing, gloves, ventilator mask, and eye protection to avoid splashing in eyes. Work in an area with good ventilation, or outside, if possible to keep from breathing vapors. 

For a first-timer it may not seem like the easiest project, but really what takes the longest is the curing time between resin applications. It really is easy to complete this project, and once you’re done, you’ll be looking for your next project. You’ll be hooked on resin crafting from here on.

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