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UX Design: Some Important Things to Know About

There are many reasons to explain why you should enter the world of User Experience; But, before you start listing them, do you know what a UX designer is? If we told you that the UX surrounds you in everything you do, would you believe us?

Photo by UX Store on Unsplash

But, before sharing the deepest secrets, it’s important to clarify what mastering UX design is for. This specialty focuses on the interaction between users (like you and me) and everyday products or services, with the aim of providing a unique user experience. 

It is an extremely diverse discipline that combines aspects of business, market research, design and technology. As you can see, UX designers are very versatile! 

Photo by Amélie Mourichon on Unsplash

First, let’s go over the concept of UX design and what the user experience is for.

 1. What is UX design?

Before exploring what a UX designer does, it is important to first establish what UX design really is. User experience (UX) design is a process for creating products that deliver meaningful and relevant experiences to users. This involves designing the entire product acquisition and integration process, including brand, design, usability and function aspects. To be more clear about what UX design is, it is a way of designing that aims to create products or artifacts that meet the specific needs of end users, achieving the highest degree of satisfaction and the best possible user experience, always thinking about the least effort from the user. For example, Apple’s flagship product, the iPhone, is designed not only with the consumption or use of the product in mind, but also the entire process of acquiring, owning, and even troubleshooting. A good user experience! UX trends change from year to year and for your info, this article shows you the UX trends in 2021. 

2. How to apply a good UX design?

The use of the word “design” next to UX refers to the type of work that is done in this discipline. It is not about graphic design but about using a set of different skills to “design” a new experience that includes 3 aspects:

Usability: it is the functionality itself, which allows a product to fulfill the objective for which it was created without problems.

Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

Accessibility: refers to how easy it is for the user to understand the product.

Interaction between user and product: something that comes from ancient times and that goes from the technical to the more emotional, the way in which the user perceives the product.

3. What is the User Experience for?

In our times, UX is understood to be the work that is done to improve a product or service and that is functional, which will leave the user a good experience when consuming or using it. Let’s put aside the designer part and land an example of our day to day. User experience is vital for your product or service to become desired by people. Now, let’s see a basic example that will help you to have it clearer. Imagine that you design a bicycle. The UX comes into play when you must arrange the most important elements to help the rider to have a proper experience. For example, it may be that the pedals have a closer position, or that the handlebars adjust to the rider’s height.

4. What is a UX designer?

Photo by Daniel Korpai on Unsplash

User Experience Designer is a job posting title that you’ve probably heard, more and more, in recent years. While UX design is a field that is essential for product development, its role remains a mystery to many due to its recent heyday. Therefore, when someone says “I am a UX designer”, it is not always immediately clear what it is that they really do on a day-to-day basis. If you are still not sure what a UX designer is. Here we tell you! A UX designer is the professional in charge of continually looking for ways to improve the product, find out how the user feels about the product experience, or how to make using the product faster and more fun.

5. What does a UX designer do?

The role of UX designer occupies an interesting place in companies today. However, many organizations looking to hire them have different (and sometimes inaccurate) ideas about what the responsibilities of a UX designer entail. What are the functions of a person in charge in User Experience? Mainly, it designs platforms and software to meet the needs of the user. In addition, it combines interfaces and workflows to improve the user experience. He is also an analytical and creative person to be able to identify and solve the obstacles presented by the platforms in charge. Last and most importantly, it makes the product more user-friendly and intuitive to attract and retain new consumers.

So… did you know enough about UX Design and some of its implications? Hope this article was useful!

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