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Windproof Travel Umbrella Shopping Guide

Have you ever been embarrassed by that turn inside-out experience while using your umbrella on a windy, rainy day?

Photo by Eunice Stahl on Unsplash

The right umbrella can make you feel like dancing in the rain, as you are confident you are protected from the falling drops. Others make you feel vulnerable; at any moment, you could be chasing it as they turn inside out and almost feel like they are trying to take you with them up there. The last thing you want is being caught up in the rain as you rush to a meeting, job, or when getting your luggage across the airport, among other instances. That’s why you take your travel umbrella with you. But have you invested in the best option? The price tag and color are the apparent checks, but that might see you buying an umbrella that’ll embarrass you. Here are among the top consideration to help you pick the best windproof travel umbrella.

Photo by Erik Witsoe on Unsplash

The ribs

Broken ribs mean your umbrella won’t be of much use. As you consider the ribs, ensure they feature sturdy material, the top including fiberglass. Fiberglass ribs are strong and flexible. Even in tough conditions, they bow, not break in the wind. Moreover, their longevity means you’ll enjoy the umbrella for an extended period. The best part is that maintenance is a breeze as fiberglass is corrosion and rust-resistant.

Photo by Craig Whitehead on Unsplash


Is your umbrella waterproof, sun, and wind-resistant? Most umbrellas are made from polyester, nylon, or pongee fabric. However, the best features additional materials, the most effective being Teflon coating. While the materials are flexible, mold and shrink resistant, and fast-drying, the coating adds to their effectiveness. A Teflon-coated umbrella is water-impermeable and ensures you’re protected from the sun. As you consider the material, don’t overlook the handle. Rubber handles are the most popular and effective options as they offer a firm grip and are comfortable.

Photo by Craig Whitehead on Unsplash


The canopy size is a no-brainer, but is it designed to offer the best protection from wind? Double canopy designs offer the needed convenience as you navigate storms. They feature side vents that keep the umbrella intact and upright as the wind blows through them. The wind will pass through, not reverse the umbrella for that embarrassing inside-out experience. With the breeze-defying design, you confidently battle the wind and rain, keeping you dry.

Photo by Aline de Nadai on Unsplash


Is the umbrella easy to open and close? You don’t want to be caught in the rain and have to wrestle to open/close the umbrella. Repel Travel Umbrella features an automatic operation system. With a touch of a button, the umbrella automatically opens/closes. Don’t be tempted by the fancy-looking intricate system that folds into many pieces. Fewer components mean the umbrella is a lot sturdy, operates smoothly, and you won’t have to worry much about pinched fingers, especially as you close.

As you narrow your options, accessories shouldn’t be overlooked, especially the slipcover. A removable fabric sleeve makes it easier to store your umbrella, especially with other items such as in your bag, without getting them wet. It also makes it easier to keep the umbrella clean.

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