The bed is the most important and there is a huge list of things you can do in bed: when you want to relax to some rest after a period of activity, to recover when you are sick, to watch TV, to make love, to study or meditate even the most beautiful things. The bed is like a dream,

this dream bed gets its shape and color in quiet nights and stormy nights, even with cold and snow outside, the design of beds is highly variable, considering that the space where it will be put to the materials of made color and shape:
The following images is a selection of beds that can make you want to turn dreams into beautiful reality :



PARISCARMIGNAC17.jpg 285934482_WZTtBdqw_c 3390695377_b11563e3a6_o  bed dream-bed-in-beach-park fc6e0c3c5ef4a0f7_6a00d8341f5c9853ef01157062bd1d970b-800wi futbed1 hotel2 Fraunhofer InHaus Zentrum,"Showcase FutureHotel" vom Fraunhofer Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft + Organisation, 
Duisburg, 31.10.2008
  indoor23 Lomme9_new lomme_bed tumblr_lc5c4lqre31qcud0zo1_500 tumblr_lh8sp9jOOo1qaphrco1_500 underwater-bed

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