Apartments for rent in Los Angeles are more affordable than apartments in Manhattan and most times offer more space, access to private parking, and a common swimming pool for you to enjoy.
Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash
Many apartments also offer public facilities such as a picnic area, barbecues, and pet areas where you can have your dogs run off of their leash. If you find your new apartment is a bit toasty in the summertime, below are 3 ways to keep your apartment cool in the summer.

We tend to want to open the windows at the first sign of heat, but this could backfire on you. To keep your house cool, you need to keep the hot air out, so this means keeping windows – particularly south-facing windows – closed and covered with blinds or curtains during the day. Then open your windows at night. If you live in an area that gets cool at night (overnight temps in the mid-70s or lower), open your windows. You’ll be amazed at how quickly the warm air is replaced with cool, refreshing air.

Did you ever notice how when you run your washer, drier, or dishwasher during the day, your house becomes so warm. The washer is running hot water, and driers are obviously using heated air which inevitably escapes and radiates out from the machine. Solution – do your laundry and run your dishwasher in the evening or early morning when it’s cooler. Don’t forget to change your AC filters often (every 4-5 weeks), especially in the summer. Limit turning your oven on. Cooking hot meals can heat things up in your home. Try having cold meals like salads and sandwiches to keep temperatures down.

Keep bedroom doors inside the home open. You want cooler air to flow through rooms and through the entire house. Great airflow means a cooler home. Keep lights off, especially during the day. Light bulbs give off a lot of heat – the bright sunlight should shine enough light inside your home in place of running lights. An old tip is to create an ice fan by filling a bowl with ice and place it in front of a fan. This will create a chilly breeze in a small area of space. Use ice packs at the foot of your bed to cool your body down in bed. Put your pillow cases in the freezer and chill socks in the fridge before bedtime as it will also help to lower your core body temperature.