It’s no secret that with advances in technology, criminals seem to be getting smarter too. It is a challenge to try to keep up with new security hacks, especially when you can’t afford to spend a small fortune.

Many homeowners expect that burglar-proofing a home will leave them seriously out of pocket. This is not the case. There are affordable solutions that can help you to ensure your home is protected while you are not there. Here are a few solutions to get you started.
Ensure Doors and Windows Are Locked

Get into the habit of locking doors and windows each time you go out. Even if you live in a safe neighborhood, getting into the habit of locking up can deter opportunists who may be walking past your home.
It is also advisable to maintain latches and ensure that they are in good working order at all times.
Consider a Home Security System

Not only are there a wide variety of traditional systems to choose from, but you can also now have a smart system installed that alerts you immediately through a smartphone app. No matter where you may be, you can be notified of an incident and react accordingly.
You can forego the expensive option of installing costly, state-of-the-art equipment because there are alternate solutions that offer similar features. Choose to install a reliable, capable, smart home monitoring systems in your home to keep it safe from intruders.
Learn more about the variety of systems that are available for your home. These smart packages allow you to enjoy high levels of safety as well as complete peace of mind, knowing that your home is secure.
Regular Routine Maintenance

If you have a weekly garden service that maintains your gardens, try to ensure that they continue as usual when you are away. If your home is being watched, any changes in the regular daily routine will signal to criminals that you are away.
Experienced burglars are smart, and will keep track of comings and goings. Be vigilant and try to maintain weekly visits so that they are not aware of your home being vacant. Always try to create the impression of ‘business as usual.’
Make Sure Your Outside Areas Are Well Lit
A well-lit area makes it more difficult for an intruder to break into your home. An area that has bright lighting is more visible to neighbors and will deter criminals from trying to access your property.
Another valuable addition to your home security system is an exterior sensor light. These lights detect any movement and will activate immediately if there is any activity within range. A light that suddenly switches on may give intruders the impression that someone is in the house. This may cause them to flee the scene immediately.
Remote Control Garage Doors

Although individual remote controls are almost always programmed to only work with a specific device, universal remotes can be obtained that perform multiple functions, such as opening garage doors. Innovative thieves have found ways to procure and program universal remotes, giving them access to homes through garage doors.
Deactivating the garage door remote control is a good idea to consider if you are going away for an extended period. You should instead opt to lock the door with a secure, manual locking device while you are away. This will make it harder for criminals to gain access to your house through the garage.
It may seem like a lot of hard work and extra effort to implement additional security features to your home, but it is imperative if you want to ensure the safety of your house and its contents.
Leaving your home and knowing your valuables are safely locked away can go a long way in reducing stress levels while you are traveling.