Mistakes to Avoid While Filing a COVID-19 Workers’ Comp Claim

Filing your workers’ compensation claim can prove to be rather difficult, especially if you do not get any external assistance. The process may even frustrate a majority of those, willing to pursue it.

In light of the recent coronavirus outbreak, it has been a public health emergency and many workers are choosing to file for COVID-19 compensation claims as well. 

Almost half of the workers’ compensation claims go denied, owing primarily to the mistakes made by the filers. As such, it is best to have in-depth knowledge about filing a claim, in order to avoid those mistakes and hence avoid denials as well.

Filing a COVID-19 Workers’ Compensation Claim – What to Avoid?

  1. Not filing your COVID-19 claim

The biggest mistake that all workers make, with regards to any kind of injury is that they do not bother filing a workers’ compensation claim for it. This can stem from not being aware of their rights or can be the result of their own ignorance.

The same goes for COVID-19 cases as well. Workers need to be prompt in intimating that they have contracted the virus and require the compensation for their medical testing, lost wages etc. 

Majority of the trades and professions are covered under the workers’ compensation claim, except independent contractors. Employees need to prove that they have indeed contracted the coronavirus during their duty only. 

There is a period of up to one year for filing your claim, after which you cannot claim for benefits. It is best to keep note of the statute of limitations for a claim, especially if your job requires you to go through hectic tasks.

  1. Not seeking the required medical care

As per instructions issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is recommended that individuals maintain distance from each other and isolate themselves if they feel that they are sick. 

Mild symptoms should not be ignored in this case as coronavirus takes from 2-14 days to manifest its effects. The individual could end up affecting those around him as well in the meantime. Delaying seeking medical care would weaken your workers’ compensation claim and may even result it in being denied.

This is because medical documentation and orders from a physician or public health officer are necessary to submit, for strengthening your case. You can seek compensation for the treatment that you have received as well. 

  1. Not consulting with a relevant attorney

Workers tend to hesitate consulting with an attorney. This is because they fear having to pay a hefty amount in the form of legal fees. However, many attorneys are willing to work on a contingency basis as well i.e. they will only charge their amount if the claim trial goes successful. 

Other than that, workers can even schedule free consultations with attorneys such as the Walthew Law Firm in Washington, if they only wish to get some basic info instead of hiring the attorney. 


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