As one of the most used areas in the home to unwind, entertain guests, and to create long-lasting memories, your living room should reflect your personality and style, and be a space that provides maximum comfort and relaxation. Whether you’ve just moved into a new home, or you’re a long-term homeowner in need of a revamp, the furniture you choose for your living room can play a big part and boost the aesthetic appeal of your space.

Once you’ve created a budget and know what you can realistically afford to spend, here are five tips on how to choose the right living room furniture.
Start with the Aesthetics
Before purchasing new furniture for your living room, you need to begin by thinking about how you want to feel in your living room. The area should exude warmth and make you feel cozy and relaxed, so you need to invest in furniture that is aesthetically pleasing. While your mind may be drawn to color and unique furnishings, when it comes to entertaining guests and other members of the family who live in the household, they may not feel as relaxed and content as you in the living room.

Do the Math
Whether you have plenty of space to play around with or size isn’t on your side, it’s vital that you measure your living room space and draw a floor plan. Doing so will give you a better idea of where you should place your furniture. Making room for passable pathways will mean that you and your loved ones can maneuver around the space with ease, so getting a piece of paper and making a sketch should be your next port of call.
Think of Function
While some families love nothing more than to sit back and watch the television, there are other activities that you may want to do in your living room. If you don’t have a dining room and primarily use your living space to entertain guests, you will need to create plenty of room so your loved ones can feel relaxed and comfortable. If you’re a senior or have limited mobility, it’s important that you pick furniture that provides support. A lift chair offers both form and function for those who have bad knees or suffer from arthritis.

Consider Existing Architecture
When selecting the right furniture for your living space, it’s vital that you examine the existing architectural elements in your property. Windows, columns, and other elements need to be considered; otherwise, you may purchase furniture that doesn’t align well with the rest of your home. Any furniture that you bring into your living room needs to match the color scheme and architecture already in place, so focusing on the design of the interior is essential.

Ask for Help
If you aren’t sure what furniture would look right in your living room, you may be inclined to ask your family and friends for advice first. We all have different tastes and preferences, so don’t be offended if your loved ones aren’t keen on your ideas. If you would like an educated opinion, you may benefit from hiring an interior designer who can come into your living space and advise you further on what type of furniture would elevate your space.

The living room is the one area in the home that you should be most proud of. Whether you have loved ones around for dinner, or you’ve had a long day at the office, you will want a living room that welcomes you back. When it comes to picking furniture for your space, all the tips listed above can help you make the right decision.