Best Methods to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

With the global pandemic, all of you spend a reasonable time of your life inside the home.

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The question is, are you being safe from what’s going on outside your house? You need to be aware of indoor air pollution, as it may cause severe damage to your respiratory system. 

According to reports, indoor air pollution is a leading risk factor for premature death.

The following article will highlight the main aspects of indoor air quality and improve it.

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Get Rid of Cigarettes

To have clean, healthy, and fresh air around you, you should avoid smoking indoors as much as possible. In addition, second-hand smoke can be even more toxic than first-hand smoke due to its chemical ingredients. Second-hand smoke contains more than 50 cancer-causing chemicals, so you should go outside to smoke.

Turn On Your Humidifier

During the winter season, the humidity inside your house will tend to decrease. It can cause dry skin or cracked lips, nosebleeds, and many other problems. To avoid this issue, simply turn on your humidifier during this period. The humidity level in your house should be ideally above 30 percent.

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Ventilate Your House with Proper Efficiency

Proper ventilation can do miracles when it comes to indoor air quality, and it’s essential to ensure your house is adequately ventilated to get rid of all the toxins inside. You may want to install a ventilation fan or open your windows for 10 minutes every 2 hours.

Use Natural Cleaning Products

Chemicals found in cleaning products can be pretty toxic and dangerous, so you should consider experimenting with some natural cleaning products that contain fewer chemical ingredients than usual products found in supermarkets.

Some natural cleaning products like baking soda, lemon juice, and vinegar can also be helpful when it comes to getting rid of a specific smell indoors.

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Use Ionizers and Air Purifiers

Both ionizers and air purifiers can be used to clean the air inside your house. These devices work by emitting ozone, which attaches itself to negative ions to eliminate odors and remove other particles from the nearby area. You may want to use one of these devices during the winter season as well.

Avoid Carpet and Other Flooring Materials

Carpets and other flooring materials can cause allergies and diseases such as asthma by trapping a lot of dust and other particles inside. You should replace them with tiles or wooden floorings that won’t trap any dust near your house.

Improve Your Indoor Lighting

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To have clean indoor air quality, you should avoid using candles or incense as much as possible. Instead, you could install some LED lights that produce less heat than usual halogen lamps.

Clean Regularly

You should clean your house regularly to eliminate all the dirt and other particles that cause poor air quality. The best method is to use a vacuum cleaner or simply some broomsticks that can be directly thrown into the garbage once you’re done cleaning.

Use Air-Purifying Houseplants

You can also use air-purifying houseplants such as Dracaena and Chrysanthemum to improve your air quality in the house. These plants absorb CO2 and release fresh oxygen, which is excellent for you and other household members. Additionally, they eliminate toxins from the surrounding environment.

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Avoid Using Air Fresheners

Instead of using air fresheners, you can use natural ingredients such as baking soda to eliminate certain odors. If your house is full of bad smells, you should avoid using artificial fragrances until the problem is resolved. These fragrances are usually toxic, and they can worsen the freshness of your indoor air.

Remove All Clutter

You should also try to remove all types of clutter from your house, especially things not used daily. It will help you get free from dust particles that have settled on these items. 


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