There are numerous ways to approach designing your small bathroom. Nevertheless, the same challenges always remain. Simply put, there are too many things which we would like to do with that space. For men, it represents a safe haven; for women, it is a room closely connected to their appearance. That beings said, if you are a part of larger family, you will have to account different things and wishes.

Regardless of that, our options are really limited. Easiest thing which we can do is to demolish the walls and increase its actual size. Unfortunately, in many cases, this cannot be done as the overall surface of the apartment/home is small.

While waiting to get a bigger bathroom, here are some great tips that will help you arrange a smaller one and effectively use it.

  1. Placing furniture and hardware closer together

Even though this is not always the optimal thing to do in terms of functionality, by placing items closer together the rest of your room looks more spacious. Imagine putting cupboard adjacent to shower. It will feel a bit crowded if you look in that direction but as soon as you step into the room, the feeling of space will be noticeable.

  1. Getting rid of everything that you do not need

While planning their bathroom, most people stumble on the first step. This one is really easy to understand. The less you have in bathroom, the easer will it be to use it. At the same time, this also means that by eliminating different stuff, you are able to reduce size of cupboards and cabinets needed to store all these products. Our advice is to remove all your make-up and drugs. Women often use bathroom for putting make-up given that there is always mirror inside. However, you can do it as effectively from your bedroom as long as you place a mirror there. Similarly, you will have to remove excess towels and everything else that would use additional space.

  1. Make compromises

Regardless of everything else, bathroom should be a place where you are able to relax. Last thing you need is to be forced to use a certain space within your home without being able to enjoy it. With that being said, you need to figure out which things you wish to prioritize and those that you are better off without. If you wish to have a bigger bathtub, go ahead! You can always remove something that you do not need. Even though functionality and design are very important, you need to do something for yourself as well.

  1. Using upper parts of the room

Similarly to any other room in your house, upper regions are often underused. If you have a small bathroom, this is something that needs to be considered. There is no need for you to purchase a wide cupboard if you can get a tall one utilizing empty space much better.

  1. Things you can do with your door

People often disregard the fact that doors are an important part of this room. As such, they take a lot of space given that they usually open inwards. We are not able to ignore them. However, we are able to change them. If you get sliding door, this will be one thing less to take space within the bathroom. Similarly, if you choose to keep traditional door, you can use it by placing towel hooks on it. Lastly, you can place shelves just above the door. This way, you can save some additional space and your bathroom will look less stuffed.

  1. How to handle your bathtub or shower

First of all, have in mind that bathtubs are a pretty bad choice if you have a small bathroom. Nevertheless, as we previously said, if something makes you happy, you should go for it. Whether you have a bathtub or a shower, you need to make it look as if it is part of the room. In other words, do not use curtains as they block the view making it feel as if the room is smaller than it actually is. When guest visits bathroom, he should be able to look through the shower getting feeling of depth.

Have you tried any of these tricks? Share your story with us in the comment section bellow!

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