Re-doing your shower? Your decisions about tiles will be the most important ones you make. Your tiles define the whole bathroom, determine your cleaning schedule, and even affect how long you have until you need your next renovation. Here are some tips to get the best shower possible.


  1. Larger Tiles When Possible

Larger tiles have less grout, meaning they will last longer and are easier to clean. That said, there are lots of times when larger tiles won’t work for you. On curves, including on steam shower ceilings, small tiles will look a lot better as they create smoother lines. Also, in small bathrooms, tiles that are too large can emphasize the tininess of the space.

Finally, when tiling the floor of a shower, it can be safer to use smaller tiles, as they provide better traction. If you plan to age in your home or have elderly relatives, this can be the best option.

Still, try to use the biggest tiles possible, under the circumstances.

  1. Ceramics That Look Like Stone

Stone tiles are beautiful, but are really cold, quite expensive, and a pain to maintain. The good news is that lots of companies make ceramic tiles that look very similar. Far from being obvious duplicates, these tiles have a charm all their own.

As an added benefit, ceramic tiles have greater traction than stone. Therefore, they make a safer option for shower floors.

  1. For Walls, Choose Smooth Instead of Rough

Shower walls made out of stone look best when the rough side faces outwards… at first. As time goes on, minerals from the water build up in the crevices, creating ugly salty-white deposits. This can also make it very difficult to clean the dirt from the shower walls. Keep the shower smooth and save the rough tile for feature walls on the other side of the bathroom.

  1. With Glass, Use Small and Coloured Tiles

Large glass tiles tend to show any moisture that leaks through the grout. Unless you are 100% confident in your sealing abilities, choose smaller and coloured glass tiles. These are one of the best advices given by home design consultants. Coloured glass tiles can add more visual complexity to an area and let you get away with a more eclectic color scheme.

  1. Price Out Tiles First Using a Tiling Calculator

Before heading to buy your tiles, estimate the cost to ensure it works with your budget. Check out this free tiling calculator to see how much each type of tile will run you. This will help prevent your renovation from going over budget.

Author Bio

Margaret Perron is an appliance repair do-it-yourselfer, home solutions enthusiast and a home maker. With over 10 years experience in the home improvement business she is well suited to advise you on the best solution for identifying and locating the best home services in your area. You can follow her at Google+.



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