Drain Cleaning And Maintenance Tips

One of the worst times when cleaning the house is cleaning drains, sinks, and unclogging kitchen and bathroom tubes. 

As much as residents are careful when disposing of liquids, they may still have some solid elements that can clog the sinks. Read in this article how to do the cleaning in an easy way.

All drains (bathroom, kitchen, service area, balcony, terrace, etc.) have a protection system that prevents larger debris from falling inside.

This protection is provided by metal or plastic grids and a part called a siphon. Even so, it may be that a siphoned drain will clog with hair strands, soap residue, hairpins and other small objects that fall into the sink or shower drains, which are the ones that clog most frequently and should be cleaned regularly.

Drains Cleaning:

As we know drains and sinks are constantly clogged by solid waste, fat, oil, hair, and hair. When cleaning, be careful and try to keep drains clean and without blocking the passage of water. 

Most people end up using heavy chemicals to unclog, but there are homemade and efficient non-toxic solutions.

But even when using a non-toxic cleaner, it’s still vital to wear protective gloves for cleaning when unclogging your drain. You never know if you’re sensitive to a certain ingredient or if you’re going to encounter any stuff in your drain. It’s always wiser to err on the side of caution when it comes to cleaning. 

Home Made Cleaning Drains Method:

Separate half a glass of baking soda, three and a half liters of hot water, a cup of white vinegar and half a squeezed lemon. Throw the baking soda down the drain. Then, mix the cup of white vinegar with the half squeezed lemon and pours this mixture down the drain, over the bicarbonate. Wait five minutes and pour the hot water down the drain. The water will wash the mixture, leaving your drain clean.

But how does it work? 

Simple: they are natural chemical reactions of products that we use on a daily basis, and that do not harm the environment so much, where the waste that we discard is sent. 

Sodium bicarbonate is an alkaline chemical compound that will break down the fat particles that exist in the drain pipe. Vinegar is an acid that facilitates the action of bicarbonate in the pipe. This mixture prevents clogging, preventing the accumulation of waste.

Another necessary care is to clean the siphon, a piece of plumbing in the shape of a “U”, which prevents the sewage gas from returning through the sink drain. 

It needs to be cleaned frequently, as debris accumulates in the sink, sink, or tank drain and can lead to the clogging of the bathroom or kitchen sink.

To clean the siphon, you must first place a bucket under it to hold the water. Remove the siphon and clean it with a wire with a plug at the end, removing the accumulated dirt. Then just plug it in again and check that the water is flowing without leakage.

 For the elbow-shaped siphon, the difference in cleaning is to disconnect the cup at the bottom and clean it. Then just repeat the other steps and check for leaks. Always wear rubber gloves to do any cleaning procedure on drains and sinks. To get the good results you have to follow these steps carefully or you can also hire a drain cleaning service provider near you.

Here is some more step by step guide on how to clean the drains.

1-Put on the rubber gloves, remove the grid, remove the waste and throw it in the garbage bag. In the siphoned drain, there is a plug over the siphon. 

If there is a need to remove it for cleaning, don’t forget to put it back – without it, the bad smell from the sewage rises and enters the environment. Pour water and see if the flow is free.

2-If the problem persists, the next step is the application of a cleaning product, such as caustic soda. Remove the standing water in the drain and add the recommended amount of the product, according to the drain diameter.

 But be careful: as the products are toxic, the packaging instructions must be strictly followed. The use of gloves is mandatory. If clogging continues, it is recommended to call a specialized technician to solve the problem.

3- Another efficient way to solve the problem is to pour hot water down the drain so that it can melt some of this dirt is also a great idea. Everyone knows that baking soda mixed with vinegar makes great volcanoes, but what many people don’t know is that it is also a great drain plug remover. 

Sprinkle a portion of baking soda on each drain, accompanied by a portion of white vinegar. Leave this mixture overnight and wash it off with hot water in the morning.

4-Yet another way to clean and use a little baking soda with salt and four parts of boiling water.

Flow this blend down the drain and let it sit overnight. Wash the drain with hot water in the morning. 

Never underestimate the power of vinegar and baking soda, especially if you want to stay away from using chemical plungers to clean drains. Cheap and safe to use, a little vinegar and baking soda can keep your drains clean and also free of odors.


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