These is a great idea for an outdoor lake design this Floating Forest, created by Floating House Production fore the The Kindest Group commissioned by Shoreditch Festival and Open Vizor client, is obviously the most spectacular idea ever seen. The floating tree is a prototype for future leisure travel along the waterways of East London, and its first full appearance was at the Hackney Wicked Festival.

The Floating Forest is an amazing idea design fore all who like to spend their spree time doing something wonderful unique and funny.

Floating Forest, a fleet of foliage inspired boats, it consist in two aluminum canoes mounds of grass and wood named RootLounge and BoweredGlade which are offering multiple positions for sitting, reclining and generally draping oneself across because of theirs complex seeded surface, as you can see from the photos. Well if you have a lot of friends then you can invite them fore a floating walk because this Floating Forest has 10 sates like nooks and niches, banks and inclines.

These boats are spectaculars. Why are so spectaculars? Because they have a interactive odyssey. How doest it works? Well… once on board, guests are invited to proffer a question to The Floating Forest Oracle and make a wish… Funny wrights; but you never know, maybe the wish becomes reality…

But these great idea can be a model fore inspire you to decorating you’re lake front house customized to fit on you’re style.

source for: Floating Forest a great idea for an outdoor lake design


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