When planning a home renovation, it’s tempting to go right into the fun part of choosing new paint colors, fixtures, and fittings, but there are a few things to think about first.
Photo by Francesca Tosolini on Unsplash
Make sure you know what your ultimate aim is.
Before deciding on the scope of your makeover, you must first determine what your home’s ultimate goal is. Are you renovating your home to boost its resale value or do you want to live there for a long time? Or maybe you just want to make your home a more fun place, by installing bar carts. Before you begin, evaluate the status of your neighborhood and determine which changes will yield a reasonable return on investment and which would be considered excessive for the area. Having a clear strategy for the future might help you choose how far to go for your project.

Make a financial strategy.
Setting a budget and sticking to it is one of the most important components of renovation planning. Remember to set aside a contingency budget for any unexpected costs, as well as incidental expenses such as dining out while renovating your kitchen or perhaps staying in a hotel for a night or two. It’s normal to want a top-of-the-line renovation, but sometimes all you need are a few low-cost changes to make your house look more premium. Do your study and set a budget before you pick up a hammer.
Look through the schedule.
Start with the end date and go backward if you’re looking for a new home for a special event or holiday. Allow a few weeks to a month for wiggle room towards the end to avoid disappointment if there are traffic delays.

Complete your homework.
Take the time to speak with your friends, relatives, and neighbors about the improvements they’ve undertaken and the issues they’ve run into. Having a lot of knowledge from people who have been in your shoes may be beneficial during the planning phase, and this information may modify your final design. They might come up with ideas you didn’t think of. For instance suggesting you to choose a custom range hood for your kitchen.

Inquire about any references available.
Any skilled contractor will happily offer references and proof of liability insurance before starting a project. Rather of relying just on client testimonials, seek out genuine customers who can offer a firsthand viewpoint and address any problems you may have. For any job, request to see before and after images of a contractor’s prior work, and most importantly, trust your intuition and know what questions to ask.
Take your stuff with you.
To make any house redesign as easy as possible, declutter, pack up, or move any things in the renovation zone. To keep all of your belongings safe and clean throughout a whole-house renovation, consider renting an offsite locker or an onsite storage pod.
Children must be protected.
A home renovation is a terrific way to get the kids involved in DIY, but it may also be dangerous for very young children. Install child safety gates and electrical safety covers, and keep sharp equipment out of the reach of curious youngsters, especially during off-hours when the restoration zone may not be well supervised.

Power outages are a possibility.
If you don’t have any plumbing shut-off valves in the area you’re working on, you’ll have to shut off the water at the main valve, leaving your home without running water. Prepare ahead of time by keeping water in the refrigerator for drinking, on the counter for cooking, and in buckets for toilet flushing. A easy way to accomplish this is to fill the bathtub with water and place a bucket nearby to pour into the toilet bowl.
Make a sketch
Although you don’t need to be an engineer to generate work drawings, you will almost likely want one to obtain a permit for your home remodeling. Note the square footage, door and window heights and widths, and the location of any utilities like electricity, gas, or water.
Obtain Permits
Obtaining a building permit is seen by many homeowners as an additional bother that will slow down the renovation process. Permits, on the other hand, are a necessary part of the process in most cases, and if they aren’t obtained in the first place, they will come back to haunt you. Building permits are essential to ensure that your home renovation meets structural and fire safety rules, and code inspectors in most jurisdictions have the authority to force you to remove non-conforming work if it isn’t up to par. If you want to sell your home in the future, this might be a pricey issue. Planning and following the authorization procedure is typically a good idea.
Create a Reno-Free Zone strategy.
It’s a good idea to set aside a renovation-free zone for your family to convene in semi-relaxation before diving into the muck. Make sure you have everything you need in one accessible spot, such as a kettle or microwave, so you can gather, dine, or simply unwind at the end of the day.
Cleanup should be planned ahead of time.
After a long day of remodeling, it’s tempting to just turn out the light and leave the mess for tomorrow. Unfortunately, this might result in delays, missing tools, and a mental breakdown. Make sure you make time to clean up at the end of the day in your renovation schedule.

Make plans ahead of time.
Even if you only do a cosmetic makeover, you may be able to improve the functionality or cost-effectiveness of your home. When removing a whole room, for example, this might be the perfect opportunity to insulate the walls, upgrade your electrical panel, or add extra light or electrical fixtures. The key is to prepare ahead of time for how you’ll use the space and to improve the structure of your home with cosmetic changes.
Investigate the Weather
Even if your makeover is scheduled for the spring or summer, don’t expect perfect weather to finish it. Examine the long and short-term forecasts before beginning a project, and schedule activities that require outdoor access, such as spray painting or woodcutting, on days with the best forecast. Consider heat and cold on days when you might need to switch off your furnace or air conditioner to keep your office comfortable, and be mindful of weather changes. If you follow these and other cost-effective home renovation tips, you’ll be on your way to a successful house makeover in no time!