If you ask a baby boomer what they think about modern offices, they’ll probably say it’s too over the top. But the fact is that as younger generations took over the leading role in businesses everywhere, they needed to adapt the look and feel of the office to a new, different mindset.

When it comes to office design, some things never go out of fashion or function, such as cozy lobby chairs to make your clients feel comfortable or a stunning reception desk. But, others innovations are a result of a different generation with different needs. In most cases, these innovations directly go against the traditional concepts of an office such as confining cubicles, furniture made out of heavy wood or stiff, leather chairs.

Today’s office designers strive to improve the space for the workers by addressing individual needs. This year, offices are all about empowerment and turning the office into a place we actually want to spend our time at. Here are some of the most exciting office trends to look forward to in 2018!

Let Nature In

Last year was dominated by the trend of greening the office, adding gardens on the rooftops and water features in the lobby, using natural materials like bamboo and making the office more pleasant to work and spend time in. These elements have been proven to relax the employees and contribute to their wellbeing.

This year, companies are going all in, switching to renewable energy, water filtration and air purification, green internet hosting, organic, local food and beverages, incentives for using bikes instead of cars and implementing other green practices.

Textures, Textures, Textures

Since minimal designs are currently the hottest trend, one way to break the pattern is to add as many textures as possible. Textures can enhance any room and make the office feel more like home. Elements like woven rugs and baskets, faux sheepskin furniture and fabric wall panels are the talk of the office design world.

Augmented Reality Workspaces

One thing that we’ve been seeing more and more lately is augmented and virtual reality. No longer just used for games like Pokémon GO, Augmented Reality has the power to literally add a new dimension to your workspace. While most people still aren’t familiar or supportive of AR and VR, they have an enormous potential to enhance the workspace. Think of an architect who can show clients a 3D render of the building right in front of them. Augmented reality can also show stakeholders real-time information you need, like a surreal power point presentation. Augmented reality also has the power to make conference calls more personal and face to face than ever. You could chat with an investor miles away like they are in the room with you. The potential is endless, but we still have to see how the technology will be integrated.

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